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"Oh, I'm free,
But I feel like I lost all my strength,
And I'm struggling for breath
Every time that I think,
I'm you.
Won't you show that you can
Just one time.
And you,
Won't you let that gun fall to
The ground." - Thomas Cook - I won't cry.


Fifty-two hours, fifteen minutes and twenty seconds.

Fifty-two hours until the big day and Aurnia still couldn't get over the fact that she was going to give her all to a man whom she still had a lot to learn about, a man who turned her world upside down with just one shoulder bump.

A man who made her feel alive and safe for the first time in ages.

She glanced outside from her makeshift office - a table set up by the window in Othello's office - and let her mind wonder out into the foggy afternoon garden.

It was set free to walk and trot wherever it felt neccesary, but it still decided to think of the man she cared too much for. She still remembered his reaction a week ago when she agreed to be marked.

Silent tears danced their way down his cheeks, salty and sweet dripping into his mouth. He used the excuse that a dust particle flew into his eyes whilst sniffling like a little kid after a good beating.

She chuckled under her breath. That hefty male was such a softy on the inside.

"Aurnia, I need you to be focused right now. Lover boy can wait." Nyla's voice snapped her out from her daydream.

"SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE HOES IN THE BACK SISTER!" Mikaela hollared from the couch at the corner of the room. The latter had thousands of invitation cards spread across her and a flimsy notebook and pen in her hands.

She and Aurnia had reconciled just the day after she came back to Othello. In all honesty, Aurnia was beyond nervous to face Mikaela; she didn't know if she would still be hurt or furious or wary of her. She didn't want Mikaela to be like that with her but due to her prior behaviour and subsequent aggression and assault, it was hard to stay positive.

Surprisingly enough though, Mikaela was the first to jump in Aurnia's arms, both females sobbing and asking each other for forgiveness.

Aurnia rolled her eyes at her friend's antics and looked back down at the list of guests for the "Blue Moon Sacrenum". There were at least five to seven thousand names of people she had never met before and a headache was snaking its way onto the back of her eyes and temples.

She thanked the heavens for Nyla and Mikaela who knew most of the people on the list - giving a small background run on each individual.

"Inna Friel, daughter of Ivan Friel, Alpha of South Scotland Ice Moon pack, the only Ice Moon pack not located in Antartica or Iceland. FYI, she is quite the bitch. Thinks that because daddy is an Alpha she can do whatever she wants and say whatever she likes. If this bitch had more neurones than sex partners, I wouldn't mind her. Alas she is a dumb blond." Mikaela grimaced disgusted by that person.

Aurnia chuckled and checked her out of the list, "Out. No dumb blonds in my area." She hummed earning a sniggered from Nyla and an exagerrated cry of victory from Mikaela.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now