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"Now I'm done staying,
Quit playing,
I'm out on this.
I've spent too long lying.
And now I'm trying to
Hurt you.
But you see me bare." - Wildes - Bare.


'Vampires are the outcome of the Dark Gate Fissure, poison from the Underworld's air affected some humans who died and subsequently woke up with superhuman abilities and blood-lust. King Jupiter being the creator of human kind had the responsibility of-'

"Aurnia would you just put that book down and talk to my brother!? He's losing his mind out there." Nyla glowered at Aurnia who was still reading about supernatural kinds.

She had been doing that since the day she brutally twisted Mikaela's ankle and appeared out of no where in the library.

Nyla found her collapsed on the floor sobbing and sniffling - she was very distraught and couldn't comprehend what she did, how she did it even.

She was scared to be around anyone, she even coward away from Nyla when she tried to help her. The only thing that kept her at ease was telling her that she wouldn't let Othello enter the library if Aurnia let her help.

Nyla took care of her - applying ointment on her bruising knuckles and letting her get cleaned up in her quarters - then she let Aurnia talk out her confusion.

Now it's been a week since Aurnia had been staying in the library.

Othello had come the first day banging at the door since Nyla changed the data on the fingerprint pad, he was livid.

He would come every day, his banging and angry shouts turning to tired whimpers and begging at the metal door then he would eventually go back to his room or office.

It would kill Aurnia, so much that tears would start brimming her eyes and she had to retreat to Nyla's bedroom, the furthest away from the Library's entrance, to drown out her mate's screams.

But when those episodes would pass Aurnia would drown herself in heaps of books on the supernatural empire and learn how to control her magic with Nyla - though the latter was still slightly annoyed that she was making her brother suffer.

She also trained a few times with the half witch in the library's gym. Nyla's quarters was more of a penthouse only accessible through the library - three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an open space with a living room, dining room and an open kitchen, a gym, a laundry room and finally an odd-looking lab.

It was nice and homey, and Aurnia would've found comfort there if her mind was not already filled with chaos.

She slowly lifted her head over the top of the book to look at the glaring Nyla.

"You know, I find vampires very intriguing. They weren't created nor born like other creatures but rather spontaneously sprout out of a bad chemical reaction." She blabbered making Nyla's glare harden.

"Don't you dare change the subject!" she fumed waving her arms around.

"You're hurting my brother Aurnia. He's suffering because of the space you put. You can't hide anymore, it's killing him and it's killing you!" Nyla frowned.

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