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"I'm a new soul,
I came to this strange
World hoping,
I could learn a bit
Bout' how to
Give and take.
But since I came here,
I felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making
Every possible
Mistakes." - Yael Naim - New soul


She had short fiery red hair with a heart shaped face, grey eyes that were so bright and pale that they nearly seemed silver with long eyelashes adoring her cheeks with every blink.

With her hour glass figure, she wore a white turtle neck bodycon dress with red wedges to complete the look.

She wore a haughty expression, but anyone with half a brain could see that she was faking that for whatever reason.

She stomped her way to the table, standing in front of Othello with hands at her waist as she tried to place an angry scowl on her face.

If anything, it was cute rather than legit.

"I can't believe that you would cheat on me! Here amongst all places, here where we met each other for the first time! how could y-"

"She's a friend sis." He grunted pinching his nose.

The fuming female instantly relaxed and sat on his lap seemingly back to her chirpy, girly attitude. She bounced slightly as she stared at me, validating my appearance before smiling back at Othello.

"I like her, she seems fun!" she chirped out.

She didn't even let Othello talk before she outstretched her hand over the table to me.

"Hi, I'm Nyalanna Sabrie Stravos but you can call me Nyla because frankly my name is quite a mouthful. And if you hadn't noticed, I'm this giant meanie's sister. I'll tell you one thing honey, never let yourself enchanted by his sweet words. I always pull this little show to prevent him from whoring around with gold-diggers like he used t-" she was interrupted by Othello slapping his hand on her mouth and growled at her - like literally, growled! At her.

She whimpered slightly her giggles muffled by his huge hand. Suddenly he removed his hand like she was burning him and for a fraction of a second I swear I saw some smoke vaping from his hand.

"How many times must I tell you not to do that in public!" he scolded her and sighed in defeat.

"I'm Aurnia Calista Adonis - nice to meet you." I decided to interrupt the siblings bickering.

Nyla's smile faded slowly, and her eyes glazed over - she looked totally horrified by something; as if she had seen a ghost.

Her tanned skin paled significantly, and she started mummering incomprehensive words while still staring in thin air.

Othello didn't seem to notice as he was busy texting something on his phone. Her eyes turned red with specks of blue as her mumbling became louder but only enough for me to hear.

You are the chosen...moon will will destroy...I created you...Calista...

Then her mumbling stopped abruptly as her eyes came back to their grey colour, she stared back at me as if realising what she did.

She put her index finger to her lips as she shook her head telling me to stay quiet about her prior attitude. She still looked pale, but pale with exhaustion and worry.

Shakily she got up from Othellos lap still holding eye-contact with me.

"I think I should be on my way brother. It was nice meeting you...Calista." She looked unsure about my name, like it didn't suit me or maybe like she was trying to figure out why I got that name.

She sped walked out of the room shutting the door behind her.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her odd behaviour - eyes changing colour and incoherent mumbling, there has to be something wrong with her. Eyes don't change colour drastically in a blink of an eye!

She seemed as though she had lost control of her body or was possessed by something. Irrational, irrational, irrational Aurnia! These things do not exist!

They don't exist, they don't exist, they don't exist! My hand started shaking and my lips quivered in fear, beads of cold sweat forming on my forehead.

"Aurnia are you alright?" Othello finally asked noticing my shaking figure.

"P-Panic...a-att-ack." I managed to croak out before my body fell to the ground and darkness engulfed me.

Yelloooo people!!!
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