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"I don't let him touch me anymore...
I said,
'I'm not something to butter up,
And taste when you get bored.'" - Halsey - 100 letters


I ponder of his first name during my trip to the café; it was so beautiful, so wise, so him.

I caught myself testing his name through my lips, and damn did it feel so right rolling off my tongue!

I finally arrived and took a seat at my usual table and ordered a croissant and a mocha latte but just before the waiter - Sam, who I've been accustomed to by now - went to get it I changed my mind and got a black coffee instead.

Though this small change might seem banal to anyone, it actually deranged me.

I was making choices and it was a weird concept to me. I got to choose to have black coffee over a mocha latte!

I felt my stomach jolt lightly and my lips curved slightly upwards; was this happiness? I don't know what it was, but it was quite pleasant to say the least.

"Running away isn't always the solution, Adonis." His succulent voice ringed, snapping me out of my inner conflict.

There he sat in his voluptuous glory, smirking down at me from the big height difference.

He leaned across the table, his hand crazed my cheek softly then reached to tug a strand of my caramel brown hair behind my ear.

This simple gesture made my insides turn and my toes curl, but I ensured that my face stayed as emotionless as it's ever been.

"Well staying in a compromising situation isn't one as well." I retaliated as Sam brought my order with one of his contagious smiles he always offered to me when he served me.

People may think that his brilliant exclusive smiles were in a flirtatious manner, but he is just like a brother to me, so I don't really see it as such.

He was the only one to be extremely kind to me when I first moved to New Haven - providing that I nearly got lost and bumped into him by accident - since then he'd shown me every corner of town, and when he mentioned a quiet café he worked at, I immediately ceased the opportunity to come here to get some work done every day.

The brunet and green-eyed boy would often tried to give me discounts with the excuse that 'good deeds made good friends', but I turned down his offers each and every time.

It wasn't fair if I took advantage of him in that way.

"Thanks Sam," I gave him one of my tight smiles which he got used to and understood that I wasn't trying to be rude, but I just haven't figured out how to smile genuinely.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair before walking away to take the order of another table.

"Does this Sam guy mean anything to you?" Mr Stravos growled in a Canidae way.

What did this dude think he was? A dog?

I just let it slide and pull out my laptop nonchalantly and placed it on the table.

"Either you say what you came here to say, or you go, but either way has to be rapid because I have work to do." I held his gazed but got distracted by Sam mouthing 'are you okay?' to me, I simply held a thumb up under the table to tell him I'm fine.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now