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"So when your hope's on fire.
But you know your desire.

Don't hold a glass over the flame.
Don't let your heart grow cold.
So hold me fast,
Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer." - Mumford & sons - Hopeless Wanderer.


"Nyla?" was the only word which wiggled its way out of Aurnia's mouth while her eyes seemed lost in confusion.

"The one and only." The red-headed smirked, twirling around to show herself off.

Then everything clicked.

Aurnia finally understood the strange female - from the red and blue eyes to the incoherent and uncontrolled mumbling, she understood what she was, and she felt damn well dumb.

All the proofs were laying right beneath her nose and she never took notice of them - she even believed Nyla's condition for crying out loud! Her, the valedictorian, believed it!

Though she did have her suspicions, she didn't act upon them which was an incredibly stupid faux-pas.

"Now it all makes sense..." she mumbled to herself. Othello furrowed his eyes at his mate then back at his sister.

"What? What makes sense?" He asked eyeing his squirming sister.

Nyla knew she had to act fast or she'd be dead meat in a few minutes maximum if her dearest sister-in-law opened her mouth. Jumping into action, she rushed towards Othello grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the exit.

"I think you should be on your merry way now brother, I have a lot of things to explain yada, yada, yada." She pushed him through the door and gave him a mocking salute as they closed back up onto his face.

She sighed in relief and turned back towards the Moonstone bearer. To be honest she had never thought she'd live long enough to see the day she'd teach someone how to control and enchant like her - sure she's had some apprentices in the past but none had the equal or more power than her to teach them the full extent of magic.

She had once, but it was a horrible mistake - one which costed the lives of many.

It was disheartening how ego and arrogance could get to human's heads when granted even the slightest hint of power; it consumed them, played with their sanity until they snapped and broke in a million pieces, pieces controlled by their greed and thirst for succession.

But this was different.

She was different.

She was made to withstand temptation, she was picked out very meticulously to rule and conjure rightfully. She was power incarnated. Nyla stared at the frail girl in front of her, the body was yet trained to be what it truly is but her eyes...her eyes held so much wisdom, righteous pride and authority.

Nyla could not deny any further the overpowering urge to bow in submission. Stepping towards Aurnia she waved a hand and a chair glided from a corner landing right behind the latter.

"Take a seat, this will be very long and strenuous." Nyla spoke softly nearly breathlessly.

Aurnia narrowed her eyes at the Nyla as sparks and wisps of green whisked within her palms floating and mingling with the imposing tree - it seemed to widen and zoom in on the trunk of the tree. Names with no faces appeared.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now