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"I'm tryin',
I'm trying not to forget my words.
Cause when I'm around you
I tend to keep changing my mind.
I promise,
I promise myself not to slip back into an old habit,
Cause heartbreak is savvy,
And love is a bitch." - Two Feet - Love is a bitch


eated scene and explicit language up ahead.


Too hot.

Sweating, can't breathe.

Aurnia tried to pry the very heavy blanket away from her overheating body to no avail - it wouldn't budge even a millimetre.

She groaned in frustration and kicked her feet to remove at least the lower part covering her, but that too was useless. She huffed agitated that she had to open her eyes now to see what the hell that duvet was.

Peeling them open she nearly had a cardiac arrest when tanned muscular feet entangled with hers and a bare chest laid on half her body. Trailing her eyes from the feet up to the chest and finally to the impostor's face, relief and anxiety flared within her chest.

What is this? What happened? What did they-

She quickly looked down at her body from the little opening in the blanket and let out a breath when she found herself still dressed.

Thank the heavens they didn't do what she thought they did!

Glancing back at the concrete-built man sleeping peacefully, completely unaware that he was literally suffocating her, she wriggled and shimmied under him trying with all her might to get out from beneath him before she died of spontaneous combustion.

"Othello! Wake up!" she shouted quietly whilst shaking the male, if anything her futile attempt caused him to apply more pressure on her as his muscles relaxed.

Now Aurnia genuinely worried for her life.

She imaged for a split second what would be written on her grave, 'Died by suffocation under her mate's body. May her soul rest in peace.' No! that was definitely not the fanciest way to go out.

She pulled together all the strength she could summon and pushed the bulky body off her sending him tumbling over the edge of the bed and landing on the ground with a huge thud.

She gasped - both shocked and amazed at her own strength - and scrambled to his side of the bed to check if he was okay. Peeking her head over the edge she nearly giggled seeing the distraught and pained expression on his face.

His hair was all over the place, strands peeking up in weird places and directions, and drool had settled at the corner of his mouth - he rubbed his forehead as he whimpered uncomfortably. All in all, he looked like a hot mess.

A very hot mess.

"You okay?" Aurnia choked back a chuckle when his sleepy eyes connected with her's.

"Why would you do that?" he growled lowly as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

"You see, I didn't really like the idea of dying by suffocation and have that written on my tombstone." She smirked from above at the werewolf.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now