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"Been sitting on your tongue for ages,
Words dripping off your mouth
Baby on fire,
I see it when I close my eyes.
I think it's time
A kingdom that is mine.
I'm running for the crown." - Camila Cabello - Crown


"Try harder, Aurnia!" the hybrid hissed at the female.

Aurnia huffed trying to lend another kick to Mikaela's hip but the latter moved too quickly and ended up head-locking her to the ground. she tapped out immediately making Mikaela release her.

She gasped for air on the ground sweat pooling from her forehead.

"This is useless. You're too strong." She panted finally getting to her feet - but soon she found herself landing on the ground with a thud again, gasping for air after the blow.

"W-Why did y-you do that for!" she snarled at Mikaela who nonchalantly grabbed a bottle of water from the wooden bench in the gym and took a swing at it.

"For you thinking I'm too strong." She said in a matter-of-factly tone.

Aurnia sighed in resignation slowly getting back on her feet.

She'll admit that she came to train with an overly confident mind, thinking that her three years of karate would help make it easier on her - sadly reality came crashing down on her when Mikaela started giving her warm ups.

She made her do thirty push-ups, three laps around the gym in full sprint, fifty squats and ten one-minute planks - it was the most tedious workout she's ever done, considering that she has never worked out per say.

And when she thought the torture was over, Mikaela told her they would be sparring for at least thirty minutes to see where she was combat-wise. She already felt her muscles tightening and aching all over her body, some in places she didn't even know could ache.

"I don't think I'm made for this. Can't I do some paper work in the office instead?" Aurnia grumbled whilst plopping her bottom on the bench causing her friend to roll her eyes to the heavens.

"Every pack member must have some form of training and combat skill, even if they work in the office. Everyone needs to defend themselves when the time comes, especially you. You're the future Luna and Queen of werewolves, you'll be under more threat than anyone else and we won't always be around to protect you Aurnia." Mikaela reasoned bouncing on her heels lightly.

The hybrid hadn't yet broken a sweat, she was going lightly on Aurnia since the latter was still a beginner. But it seemed that Aurnia didn't even want to make an effort - the potential was there but the will was still late.

"God, I'm going to need painkillers after this." She muttered grumpily under her breath again.

"Maybe your boy toy can help with the pain afterwards." Instantly Aurnia's eyes flared blue as they snapped up - a low rumble eased into the stale air.

Mikaela smirked.

So that's what got her going?

"You know, I've always found King Diavo very appealing..." she glanced at the glowing eyed female as her blue eyes seemed to brighten at her comment.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now