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"Soul lover,
Which way have you moved?
It's been a while
Since our bodies grooved.
Cosmic love
Gave you something
So you wrap it all up
And take it.
Suddenly it's all
Real." - Møme ft Merryn Jeann - Aloha


I wasn't quite sure how I was going to explain to her my slip up. Well I can't really control it, so it wasn't technically a slip up.

Keep telling yourself that Ny, it'll appease the complexity that you put us in, right? My wolf Lupa sneered inside my head, but I blocked the mind-link between her and me.

I needed to fix this and quick. If only the Moon goddess didn't decide to possess me in that moment, I wouldn't be in this situation.

But then again, she had a reason to do it - she always does - and as her vessel I should understand and clean up any mishaps.

All that I know or remember is the Moon Goddess calling her Calista, and Moon Stone. Which I cannot link together, and thats whats frustrating me.

"Nyla," a small voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I focus back on her face and an idea starts forming already in my head.

"I have a...condition." I blurt out. She seems unconvinced since her eyebrow raises ever so slightly.

"I was born with a sort of mutation; when I feel strong emotions, my eyes change to this strange red and blue colour. Sometimes I go into a trance where a talk weirdly, like an epileptic seizure! But not all the time." I finish pretty confident that I delivered an amazing lie, but she still looks doubtful.

"Then why haven't you seen a doctor? Or why would your brother kill you?" she narrows her eyes, for a slit second I feel like bowing my head to her.

Submission? Why would I submit to a human? I shrug it off - I'll ponder on it later.

"I can't see any doctors, they would try and exploit my mutation and do experiments on me. That's why my brother would kill me, figuratively of course, because he's scared that I'll expose this secret and get myself in danger." It wasn't that far from the truth, I am hiding a secret but a much bigger one and where way more people are involved in and could be in danger.

Once again, I'm putting all this on me, it's tiring being the hero sometimes.

"Okay, don't worry. I won't tell anyone..." she stood up staring down at me.

Her eyes held this distant coldness, but I could definitely see that she genuinely cares for me and wouldn't want to harm me. She walks back to the door and I follow her, happy that this is over and done.

Suddenly she stops halfway out the door to inspect me one more time.

"But I will find out the part that you're really hiding." She states confidently as she strides out towards the bedroom.

Now she just playing cocky! And I like it! I attempt to follow her to give her a piece of my mind, but she smirks over her shoulder.

"Othello! Your sister is here to talk to you!" she shouted effectively waking up my big bro. He frowns sleepily then scowls when realising who I am.

"Start talking. I just woke up so this better be good or else..." he let the threat linger in the air as Aurnias retreating giggles fade behind the bedroom door.

As quiet as she seems, she is one smart bitch. I want myself one like her.

So people!
How was the chapter?

I am not updating on a regular schedule bcz I broke my phone and updating is a little tough with this old one. XD

But in two weeks time I'll get a new one and I'll update at least twice a week!

I already have ten chapters ready, that only need to be edited.








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