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"When the curtain’s call
Is the last of all
When the lights fade out
All the sinners crawl
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come.
Look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide." - Imagine dragons - Demons

Warning: this is going to be by far the longest chapter in the book so hold on tight people.


"Nope, I'm not doing it. There is no way in hell-"

"Stop being a dramatic wuss and get out of this damn car!"

"I'm not moving Mikaela!"

"Goddess forbid I will haul your ass out myself and drag your body down that aisle right this second Aurnia if you don't come out!" Mikaela exclaimed still trying to convince Aurnia to step out of the car. They had arrived at the Royal Greenhouse's garden where the main part of the ceremony was being held. Unfortunately Aurnia refused to get out of the car, she had this irrational drawback in the last minutes.

Mikaela and Nyla had been trying to get her to get out but in vain; Aurnia had an titanium based will.

Mikaela huffed then reached for Aurnia's arm and pulled but she pushed her feet stubbornly to the ground, resisting the pull.

"I said I was happy because of him but not ready to commit." She muttered as she strained to get out of the hybrid's hold.

Mikaela gave up and stepped back and shut the car's door. She looked at Nyla with pleading eyes. They needed to get over to the Sacred Water before the full moon which was in approximately fifteen minutes.

Nyla huffed then moved Mikey to the side whilst grumbling that she'd "only do this once and never again".

Nyla opened the door and bent down to be at eye level with Aurnia. She really didn't want to do this to her friend but time was running thin.

"Aurnia, I'm giving you this last chance to come out without using physical abuse - contrary to certain people-" Nyla murmured the last part earning her a growl.

"-and to go under your own will." Aurnia looked straight into her eyes and shook her head vehemently. Nyla leaned further into the car and muttered something as her eyes flashed blue and red. Suddenly aurnia felt her body go numb and she lost all ability to move or speak. A faint squeak left her mouth before she went completely motionless.

Nyla gave her an apologetic smile then stepped out.

"She's under, we can walk her there now." Mikaela stepped inside the car and pulled Aurnia by her arms and Aurnia watched horrified as Mikey slung her body onto her shoulder like a bag of potato.

"Geez Mikey, watch the dress!" Nyla huffed earning a low grumble from Mikey. Both females ascended the small cobblestone stairs and entered the greenhouse.

A huge blood red curtain was drawn just before the entrance conceiling the open doors. Mikaela put Aurnia back down on her feet facing the entrance. Just before Nyla reversed the spell on Aurnia Mikey stopped her to lean into Aurnia's ear.

"I know you're pissed at us but you need to do this. A whole world counts on this marking for peace and security. I don't want you to feel obligated but just know that beyond those curtains the only person you'll ever need and can ever rely on is waiting for you. He loves you, I wouldn't disappoint him if I were you." She paused and stepped away from Aurnia letting the witch do her magic.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now