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"Something about you,
It's like an addiction
Hit me with your
Best shot honey.
Cause certain things hurt,
And you're my only virtue.
And I'm virtually,
There's certain things,
That I adore.
And I'm certain that
I'm yours." - James Arthur ft Chasing Grace - Certain Things.

Silent readers drop a 'Hi' here so that I know y'all are still alive!!!

Walking through the mahogany halls, Aurnia let her eyes roam around each corridor they walked through trying to assimilate and remember every little detail just in case she wanted a quick and effective escape.

She would use this method when she was in class - memorising little details that would subsequently make her remember the bigger ones; it could be a little pen mark on the page, a word which intrigued her, a funny picture or maybe a page number that marked her.

Through that she could remember the whole lesson, and that's what made her the nerd in high-school and unsociable girl till this day since her little eccentricity also applied to people in general - she could remember and notice the littlest things about them whether it was the slight contempt grin one let slip or the twitch of one's pinkie finger when they felt irritated by something.

None of those slipped past her, and that's why she mostly kept to herself - people were too self-centred and hypocritical, conniving monsters laid behind friendly smiles and there was always an alter-ego to their actions. They rounded another corner and came to a halt in front of a huge metal door, Othello placed his finger on a touch pad and a beeping sound followed. The ground hummed as the metal slit in half and rolled to each side like elevator doors and there was the holy grail of holy grails to Aurnia.

Shelves upon shelves of books occupied the humongous room - well it was more of a 'three auditorium sized' room made up of three different levels - she stepped in, completely forgetting about her mate whose eyes hadn't left her figure the whole time.

She stood in the middle of the immense sea of books marvelling at the grandeur of it. She always loved reading - counterintuitively she loved romance and mystery books the most. She started chuckling grabbing Othello's attention.

"What's so funny?" he raised a dubious eyebrow at her, but she only stared at him with a small smile.

"There's no lateral way you've read all these!" she shouted the last words enticed by her voice echoing back to her. Othello admired her careless demeanour at that moment, it was so rare to see that genuine smile or even her acting quite...childlike. It was like seeing a new person all over again, and he will admit that he fell even harder for this girl.

"You're right," he hummed inching closer to her to wrap his arms around her waist from behind. She stiffened, drawing a sharp breath in. he knew she was still wary of human contact but right now he just wanted his mate in his arms - call him selfish and selfish he will be.

"If you count the number of years you think I have been on earth then yes, it is quite impossible." He whispered softly letting his chin rest on the crown of her head.

"But if you count the number of years I have actually lived through, this is a pitiful number of literary archives." He sighed.

"How long have you actually lived, Othello?" Aurnia tilted her head up to look into his eyes.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now