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"Blue and icy, meet my gaze
Boom, my heart bursts, like a blood clot
Slow to get up, hard to say
You fill my head with madness
Good and bad, don't be the one who got away.
Wherever you go I'm going with you babe." - Mura Mura - What if I go?


Sunlight poured through the slits of the curtain, a stray streak shone onto her porcelain skin. Its heat building up with every minute it stayed, she groaned and tried to cover her head with the blanket but the heat still follow under.

Coming to the conclusion that going back to sleep wasn't an option anymore, she sat up barely ready for the day to come.

Staring at herself in the large mirror in front of the bed, she huffed. Today was the big day.

She thought that after a week of mentally preparing herself and pep talking herself last night, her wake today would have been more smoother and less nerve wrecking. Alas, she couldn't prepare herself for everything.

Yesterday she slept in another room on the other side of the pack house, far away from Othello. As the Blue Moon Sacrenum tradition said she should. It was hard to fall asleep without him by her side but she knew it would be only for one night.

A sudden knock startled her still sleepy self. The door cracked open revealing bright auburn hair and piercing green eyes shimmering with delight.

Mikaela stepped into the room and closed the door gently. She launched herself onto the bed next to Aurnia.

"How'd you sleep?" She looked up at Aurnia in some sort of knowing manner.

"Horribly." The latter rubbed her eyes while a yawn escaped. Mikaela patted Aurnia's thigh in silent encouragement, then pushed her off the edge of the bed. Aurnia landed brutally with a sickening thud on the tiled floor.

"WHAT THE HELL MIKAELA!?" she screamed at the top of her lungs making her eyes shimmer electrifying azul. Mikaela sniggered then jumped off the bed herself.

"We got less than 10 hours to get you ready sweet cheeks. We can't waste anymore time." She walked over to the door and pulled it open.

"I wanted you awake...and you're awake." She shrugged. "Now go get ready." She commented before disappearing into the hallway.

"You still didn't need to push me off the bed!" Aurnia shouted in exasperation.

This was going to be a long ass day.


"Aqua or Marine?" Nyla held two different napkins -which looked pratically the same - up to Aurnia's bored face.

"Would it make a difference?" She drawled out, her mind already straying from the task at hand.

When Aurnia had finished getting cleaned up this morning, she made her way down to the Royal Greenhouse where the ceremony would take place. She was required there to chose where things should go or what metal the cutlery should be made out of or what colour the napkins should be.

But after three hours of being fully invested she had come to her limit. She now let Nyla and Mikey choose most of the decorations and table sittings. She lazily sat at one of the tables keeping a watchful eye on every worker.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now