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"Do you crave control?
I've been your doll
That you poked for fun
Too long.
So you should go,
Don't look back,
I won't come back.
Can't do that no more." - Alessia Cara - Trust my lonely.


One week.

One whole week since my little trip with Othello and I can say that we've made some progress in our acquaintanceship - I can almost say that I consider him as a friend of mine.

But he is, first and foremost, my teacher so there are still some boundaries that I am not willing to cross with him just yet.

Now, we meet everyday after my courses at the café. Sometimes we would chat, other times he would help me with some assignments, but most of the times we just indulge in each other's presence while we do our separate things.

I also noticed that I'm getting more and more giddy for our rendezvous at the café - and that doesn't signal anything good. My mind and body are getting slowly attached without me noticing, and when I will, I'll be too far gone into a useless and disappointing fondness.

But for the moment I will let it be.

Suddenly, I bump into someone and could hear them curse loudly as we both tumble to the ground. When I sit back up - with a bit of difficult since that fall knocked the wind out of me - an ample mane of ginger locks laid there, and quiet whining came from under it.

I stood up gingerly and walked towards the distressed female - crouching down I shook her shoulder making her body freeze slightly.

"Hey, are you okay?" I tried putting some warmth in my voice, but it still came out like a strangled robot.

Seeing as she didn't move, I thought she had passed out. So, I started pushing harder on her shoulder until a quiet moan erupted from the lounging red-headed beast. She lifted her head up and smiled awkwardly at me - a light pinkish tint coloured her cheeks which made her green eyes pop out.

"This is so embarrassing..." she groaned as she lifted herself up with her elbows.

"First day, and I'm already making a fool out of myself. I was just minding my business looking for the architecture department on my schedule and PUFF! I bump into someone. How stupid can I get, ay?" she rambled with a slight Irish accent.

"No worries, I was spacing out too. It's fine." I tried making her feel better. We fell into an awkward minute long silence, as she scratched her head lifting her weight from one foot to the other - yep she is a natural awkward.

She groaned in frustration and abruptly stretched her hand forward.

"I'm Mikaela Rouan, I'm new here. Well I shouldn't have been, but I missed the first semester and had to wait for the second because stupid as I am, I forgot that universities in America started differently than in England." She introduced herself - what a weird one she is.

"I'm Aurnia Calista Adonis, nice to meet you." I shook her hand. She smiled tightly and grabbed her schedule again scanning it worriedly. Guess I'm going to have to help this lost child.

"Come with me, I'll show you around the campus." I nodded for her to follow me to which she - too excitedly - smiled at me and followed suit.

I showed her every department where she had her courses and along the way, learned to appreciate her bubbly awkward self and adapt to it.

We talked a lot during the mini tour and undoubtfully she was from Ireland, though not native from there. She was adopted by her Irish parents when she was five and as she grew up she took up the accent, but not as prominent as Irish people.

Her parents sent her to London with her aunt for her high-school years, where she discovered her passion for art and physics. So, she worked very hard and got her place at Yale - she described herself as a clumsy, awkward and introvert person, but I definitely saw more to her than met the eye.

She was a hard-working, passion driven, an old beautiful soul and a bright and positive girl. I told her that, but she just shrugged it off with a deep blush.

At the end, we parted ways since we were already late to our classes, but she exchanged numbers with me so we could meet up some time. I don't understand why I feel so at ease with her, because knowing me as a person, I don't like people in general and never felt comfortable with them either.

And now there are two persons in my life with whom I can be myself - and that alone says a lot.

Once again, I bumped into someone but this time he succeeded in catching me. The only reason I know it was a he was the deep groan and the bulky arm which snaked its way around my waist holding me in mid fall.

I open my eyes which were closed waiting for the painful impact, to see smooth lagoon green eyes ornate with gold flecks and I would have been entranced by them if it weren't for the ugly notorious smirk which made me jump out of his arm.

"Sorry..." I excused myself to Malcom, earning me a deeper annoying smirk. Not wanting to be near him, or his ego for that matter, I turned heading for the classroom but much to my dismay he tugged on my sweater.

"You're Aurnia, right? From eleventh grade physics?" he asks still holding onto my sweater.

"Y-Yes, why do you ask?"

"Well you were kind of the nerdy-hot girl in high-school..." he paused while his eyes roamed my body freely.

"...how not to ask." He licked his lips suggestively. I choked on my own saliva, coughing like a cigarette addict in front of the cocky bastard - his lopsided flattened a bit.

Probably his precious ego was bruised slightly.

"I'm sorry Malcom, but your charms won't be working on me. Contrary to the other chicks you've tried your shenanigans on, I know who you are and what game you like to play. So you're just wasting your time." I snorted at his pitiful pained expression. At least he tried to look like he actually had feelings to be hurt.

You're one to talk about feelings.

Oh, shut it!

"You wound me deeply Adonis. But you should be careful of what you wish for princess." He tsk at me while he walks ahead of me pulling my sweater so that I walk alongside him.

I struggle to keep up with his long strides since he is like a freaking daddy-long-legs until we arrive in front of the classroom door. He opens the door like he owns the place whilst still pulling me like his pet dog on a leash and sat me down in my seat.

But what startled me the most was when he bent down close to my face holding eye contact for at least a few seconds then the cheeky smile fiddled its way on his lips. That was the omen of what he was going to do.


Good news I got my new phone so TWO updates per week will be starting now!

I'm so excited that I can barely hold onto my phone-
*phone slips and falls*


Anyway I hope that you like this chapter!




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