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"So I ask myself
Do I let you go?
Do I keep you in the frame
Of my mind?
Now I'm growing wise,
To your sugar-coated lies.
Nothing sweet about my
Misery." Jorja Smith - On my mind


After having fixed up a ham sandwich for myself, I sat on the soft couch munching on the bready goodness.

Yes, I was hungry - sue me.

The TV was already on, so I just listened to the news waiting for something interesting to be told. Isn't that really what everyone waits for though? Something dramatic? Or interesting? Something that either removes them from reality or makes their lives less boring? Or maybe less confusing?

Suddenly something the reporter was saying spiked my interest so I increased the volume slightly, still aware of Othello sleeping in the bedroom.

'Two deaths, and three injured last night at Thain Family Forest. Victims allegedly were attacked by a black rabid wolf, but these claims are yet to be confirmed by the authorities. Locals are bewildered and scared that this extremely rare wild wolf is on the loose in their neighbourhood. All-night activities have been banned for the next forty-eight hours. More information coming in at three...'

I sat there completely confused. A wolf? In New York? Sure, there are wolf habitats here and there but wild wolves?

That's really strange...

My mind immediately wandered to my recurrent dream of that black terrifying wolf. Was this that my mind was trying to warn me of? No, that's impossible.

I quickly shook off the burning sensation at the pit of my stomach that my dream was somehow connected to the scandal on the news and changed the channel to a random movie.

Eating what was left on my plate greedily, I semi watched the movie and semi let my mind think of something else.

These past few days have been very eventful for me, too much happened, and my brain needed to process it all. From the absurdity of adventuring away with my teacher, to meeting his eye-colour-changing-weird sister and falling unconscious, finally to talking head-on with Othello.

All that was too much information. Too much interaction.

My eyes travelled down to the mahogany table in front of me where Othello's papers were still spread eagle on it.

I tentatively picked up a green hard covered folder and opened it gingerly.

This is wrong Aurnia! You shouldn't be doing this!

My inner self screamed for me to put that document down, but my stubborn side overpowered it, so I ended up reading a few lines.

'Alpha Fire moon Lycan king Diavo, your presence is requested at the seminary along with the second in commands, Alpha Air moon Lycan king Richard and Alpha Water moon Lycan king Davis, involving the uprising of the Dark moon. This is a pressing issue, so the monarchy is demanding your collaboration with-'

My reading was interrupted by the bedroom door opening.

I hurriedly closed the file and placed it exactly where he left it, praying that he didn't see me snooping in his personal stuff.

I took my empty plate and walked to the kitchen, pretending to be deep in thought. I heard a deep yawn and heavy footsteps walking behind me and a thump landed on the couch. I breathed out in relief and started washing my plate.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now