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"I know there's pain in
Your heart.
And you're covered in scars.
Wish you could see what I do.
Cause baby, everything
You are.
Is everything I need.
You're everything
To me." - Skylar Grey - Everything I Need.


"Who is the Dark Moon?"

Silence reigned like the ominous fog over the estate's garden. It floated here and there but never quite touched its destination.

Othello slowly leveled his eyes to hers in shock. How did she even know it existed? Surely over a week she couldn't have dug so deep so as to find the lost document. Nyla wouldn't give it to her either since she herself didn't know where it was. The council hid it somewhere in the library, somewhere no one knew of.

But a desperate wanderer often times stumbled upon No Man's lands.

"How do you know that?" He scrunched his eyebrows together. Aurnia grew a bit nervous as she chewed at the inside of her cheek.

"I read about it during my stay in the library." She replied quietly afraid of raising her voice even an octave more.

"Where?" He pushed.

"I found it stuck in a wall between two bricks. Surely I couldn't have been the only one? It was so apparent." She quickly explained her discovery but his frown intensified.

"Well you were. That document has never been seen since the last time the Gods wrote it and us the Lycan brothers read it. But why now?" His eye hazed over in the usual calculative way. It was all wrong, she was never suppose to know about the Dark Moon. It was a very complex and evil subject, one that has been avoided by all for a very long time.

The less you heard about it, the safer and more sane you'd stay.

But now the document decided to reveal itself. To Aurnia. Surely that had to mean something.

Maybe it knows that she is the only one who can stop her. Maybe just maybe, it held the solution to their problem.

"What did it say?" He enquired softly.

"It only said that she was the Underworlders' Queen, the mistress of darkness and evil. She was the only one with a soul so dark, she could engulf the whole sun if she wanted to. She fed off people's sins and fears by extracting them from their souls; she could also control darkness and make her own night creatures with it. She was a revenge driven vixen." Then Aurnia paused and looked up at him.

"Who is the she they are talking about?" Othello exhaled a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair.

"She is Mortess. Quite true to her own name." He looked down at Aurnia.

"Death." He placed a hand on her cheek, afraid she'd slip away from his fingers and succumb to Mortess' hands.

"She was born as such. She was the youngest of us, the Lycan siblings. Mum didn't know she was still pregnant even after several years have past. Mortess was the slowest growing out of all of us, which is why it took so long to detect that mum was pregnant."

"Like us, she was born a Lycan and with a special ability, though widely different from ours. She could control darkness. As odd as that sounds, it is a fact. She was never on good terms with anyone, was quiet but sadistic. And one day she suddenly rebelled; tried to kill her own mother. We never really knew why but she just wanted to. After, aunty Juno got so angry that she exiled Mortess and sent her to the underworld to spend her immortal life." He sighed by the end.

Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now