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"I always say what I'm feeling,
I was born without a zip on my mouth.
Sometimes I don't even mean it.
It takes a little while to figure me out.
I made a few mistakes,
I regret it nightly.
I broke a couple hearts,
That I wear on my sleeve." - Little Mix - Woman like me.


Third person POV from now on.

After watching his mate fall unconscious, Othello rushed by her side and lifted her into his arms for the third time since they'd met. It seemed each time was when she was unconscious, and he could not complain since it was the only time she would be at her most defenceless, when her guards would be down and the most angelic being he'd ever seen would lay in his arms without protesting.

He wanted nothing more than to kiss her senseless and mark her, but it would go against the traditions of his people. He wanted to do it right, but now he realised that he had gone far lower than square one with her.

He made a bee line to the hallway and out of the building ready to run in full speedy to his estate in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, the half-were-half-vampire followed him outside refusing to leave her friend. He could only accept and they both sprinted out of New Haven to Pennsylvania though the hybrid she-wolf beat him to it because of her physical advantage.

Othello left Aurnia in his bedroom and made sure that the pack doctor took a look at her before leaving for a video meeting with the council. Entering his office, he sat down opening his laptop and connected to the pending call.

"Hello King Diavo, nice to finally come in contact with you after a week of trying to call you." Elder Jupiter rolled his eyes at Othello. Ever since his nephew got sent down to earth, he hadn't exactly had the best relationship with him like he used to.

"Cut me some slack uncle, is mum there?" He rolled his sleeves up to his elbow leaning against his chair.

"I'm here dear." Elder Diana made her presence known but she wasn't very happy of her son's behaviour lately. He stumbled on everything he did, he was lost and was doing it all wrong. She felt frustrated for not being able to be on earth with him to give him a good whack upside his head - maybe a concussion or two.

"What's the situation?" Othello asked his mother, deep down he was anxious. He knew his mother wasn't the proudest of him at that moment, he knew that she saw everything and that she was disappointed with the way he's been dealing with his mate.

"We should wait for my two other sons." Diana crossed her arms over her chest.

Yep she was definitely mad.

Instantly two other videos popped up, one showing Malcom in his room spinning a basketball on his index finger and the second eldest brother, Brucio sitting in his office chair.

"Mater! Quid agis Olympo? Te desidero." (mum! How is it in Olympus? I miss you) Malcom whined in Latin whilst both his elder brothers rolled their eyes at him. Their mother always had a soft spot for her little boy, he is still her little pup that she wants to protect at all cost.

"Omnia sit pulchrum, deliciae. I quaeror mea filii quoque." (Everything is fine, darling. I miss my sons too) Diana cooed in response inching closer to the screen. She wanted to hold her sons in her arms so much, it has been more than an eon since she had last kissed their foreheads, hugged them with her own body heat - she missed the time they use to stay in Olympus with her.

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