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Why did Renjun do that? Why did he help his biggest competitor?
Maybe it was because he wanted to prove a point of being the faster thinker. Or maybe he just genuinely wanted to help.

Renjun couldn't deny how annoying it is when the art department loses something he needs. He knows the feeling so he wanted to help out.

He spent the whole lesson focused on his painting. Watching it come to life with every swipe of the brush. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even realise the lesson was over until there was a knock on the door of the class room.

He lifted his head, noticing that all of the other students had left already.

"Yah, are you coming or not?" Chenle yells from the doorway only to be pushed slightly as Jisung walked in and began to wander around the room.

"Uh, yeah. Let me just clean up" the older boy mumbles as he wipes his paint covered hands on the rag beside him.
He clears away his paints and cleans his brushes at the sink. How had he lost track of time like that?

"Wow, this one is amazing" Jisung says as he stops beside an easel. Chenle rushes from the doorway to take a look too.

Renjun turns back to his workspace and picks up his bag before making his way over to his friends. His eyes wander to the painting the two younger boys were so amazed by.

Oh no. It's Jeno's!

Renjun literally felt his heart fall from his chest as he admires the delicate brush strokes. It was beautiful...and 100 times better than Renjun's.

"Hyung can we see yours?" Jisung asks with a tilt of his head, causing Renjun to be snapped away from Jeno's painting.

"Oh um, n-no. It's not done yet, I'll let you see it when it's finished, if I remember" the brunette says quickly before pushing both boys out off the classroom.

He only had one day left to complete his painting. To anyone who didn't have a very artistic eye his piece would appear to be finished. So in reality he could have shown it to his friends.
But to Renjun, every single flaw and mistake screamed out at him as if it were a large black smudge across the canvas.

Jeno's piece was definitely finished. You could tell by just glancing at it that he had made all the right choices and worked them into perfection.

"I need coffee" Renjun says without even thinking.
The two boys in front of him laugh slightly but nod nonetheless.

They all make their way to the cafeteria, Jisung and Chenle started arguing about a TV drama that they had both been watching, Jisung was all for one relationship whereas Chenle was all for the other.
Renjun would have usually laughed at these silly arguments but right now he was too caught up in his thoughts.

When they finally reach the cafeteria Renjun races over to the drinks stand and asks for a black coffee with two sugars.
This should help him keep his thoughts in lane.
He needed to stop overthinking things. Art is not supposed to be a competition. It's supposed to be a hobby, a passion. He took the subject because he enjoys it, not because he wanted to prove he was the best at it.

The lady gives Renjun his coffee and he pays her before moving back to joining his friends at their usual table.

"You know caffeine is no good for you" Chenle says as he pops a lollipop into his mouth.

"You know candy rots your teeth right?" Renjun fires back with a smirk. Yup coffee fixes all.

"Touché" the younger blonde says with narrowed eyes. Renjun could see that Chenle's sass levels were getting high and he couldn't hold back his laughter.

"You've been spending too much time with Lucas hyung" Renjun laughs as he picks up his coffee and takes a large sip, wincing slightly at the bitter taste but loving every second of it.

"What! Why do you say that?" Chenle fakes mock offence which only causes the older boy to laugh even more.

"Look at you, you act exactly the same. Right Jisung" the brunette turns to his other friends to get some sort of input on the matter.

Jisung nods "he's right hyung, you may as well be Lucas hyungs brother" he says with a smile.

Chenle stares at his friends for a moment, he sucks on his lollipop as he waits for something to say. "I really didn't notice".

"Of course you wouldn't, but we do" the brunette pours more of his coffee down his throat to help swallow his laughter.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just funny to see you like this" Jisung adds with a nod and gives the older blonde a pat on the back.
"Don't worry, I'm sure Lucas is acting more like you too".

"He's probably even caught your dolphin laugh" Renjun says causing all three to erupt into fits of giggles.

His friends always knew how to cheer him up and put a smile on his face.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now