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Once Jeno left Renjun wandered back up to his room. To say they had gotten slightly distracted towards the end, they had still done a tone of work.

"Hyung! Look at all my moomins!" Bo yells in excitement as he waddled into his brothers room.
He was carrying a stack of multicoloured paper, each sheet had a doodle of a moomin.

Renjun takes one off the top of his brothers stack and looks at the drawing. "They're good, but not as good as mine right?" He raises an eyebrow at his little brother waiting for an answer.

"It's way better than yours!" Bo shouts as he stretches up and snatches the paper out of Renjun's hand.

The older boy fakes a gasp and turns his back to the little boy "I guess I don't have to draw you any anymore then, since you have Jeno now" he smiles slightly to himself when he hears his little brother place the stack of drawings on the floor.

He feels a pair of arms warp around his leg tightly. "Noooo! Hyungggg! I love you!!!!! I'm sowry!" Bo whines as he nuzzles his face into Renjun's leg.

"Okay, I'll forgive you. Come on, let's go make some food before mum and Dad get home" Renjun says, picking up the little boy and carrying him down the stairs.

"I want cake!" The boy cries and Renjun instantly shakes his head.

"No way! You've had enough sugar for today you hyper little boy" he laughs only to earn a frown from the little boy. "If your good and eat all of your food, I might try and persuade mum to let you have some ice cream later" he smiles at his brothers beaming face.

"Okay!!!!" Bo squeals as Renjun places him back on the floor, and makes his way to the kitchen.


Once Renjun's parents had returned home he could finally go back upstairs and do some more work.

He jumps onto his bed and opens up his lapton. He sees he has a message and clicks on it.

          I swear I'm going to kill you on Monday, my hand has cramped up because I had to draw all of those moomin >:(

Renjun couldn't help but laugh to himself slightly. He felt like he had seen a different side to Jeno today, the side that wasn't competing for the better grade or artwork, but the side that was friendly and willing to work.

Because Jeno had acted that way, Renjun felt it was only right he should too. There was no denying that Renjun was just as bad, always comparing his work to the younger boys, and getting annoyed at him if it was better. They were in it together on this project, so what use would come out of competing against each other?

               Don't blame me, you were the one that was sweet talking the kid XD

          Shut up >:(

Renjun let out another small laugh before closing the tab and opening up google. He typed in 'artwork based on fear'. Thousands of pages and images popped up on the screen. Him and Jeno had looked at some of them earlier but Renjun wanted to do a little extra work, just to be sure they had enough contextual work to go off.

He scrolled through pages and pages of different paintings, sculptures and very disturbing performance pieces.
Most artist talked about how they based their work off of their personal phobias or bad dreams that were just too good to forget about, although Renjun thought they were rather disturbing and that they were probably better of forgotten.

There was a knock on his bedroom door and he snapped the laptop shut before saying a soft 'come in'.

His mum opened the door with a smile. "I got your school report in the post" she says, the smile never leaving her lips "well done on getting an A honey, keep it up, me and your father are so proud of you".

"Thank you" he replies, giving her a smile in return when she blows him a kiss before shutting the door carefully.

Renjun let out a sigh of relief. Seems like his parents weren't in the mood to lecture him tonight. Usually his mum and dad would be saying that the standard of his art needs to be better if he stood a chance in getting a scholarship for the top art university's.

He sighs slightly and lays back on his bed, suddenly feeling very tired.
His eyelids became too heavy for him to keep open.

"You better work as hard on this project as I am Jeno" he mumbles to himself, before allowing sleep to take over.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now