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That night Renjun decides to take his painting home with him to finish. He races up to his room and places the half finished canvas onto his easel.

Opening numerous drawers and cabinets he takes out his pigments, paintbrushes and an old mug filled with water.

He stands in front of his canvas and lifts the brush. Just as he was about to make a mark his bedroom door bursts open.

"Hyungggg! Draw me moomin!" His little brother cries as he lifts a piece of bright yellow paper and purple crayon in the air.
Renjun lets out a small sigh as he places his brush into his water mug.

He turns and bends down so that he's face to face with his brother who is smiling brightly up at him.

"Bo-ah, I drew you six last night" Renjun says, placing his paint covered hand on his brothers shoulder.

"But I want more!" He yells, the smile never once leaving his face.

"Look, I have some work to do right now, but as soon as I'm finished I'll draw you as many Moomin pictures you want, how's that?" Renjun smiles back at his brother who looked like he was going to explode with happiness.

"Okay! Have fun juni!" His brother yells as he runs out of Renjun's room.

The brunette moves to close his door once more and lock it to keep out distractions.

He turns and glares at his painting. "You are going to be perfect" he mumbles to himself before moving back to his easel and picking up the brush once more.

~{A/N: quite a big time skip here,sorry}~

Renjun sits in art class in his usual place. It's been a week since everyone handed in their final pieces to get graded.

He needed at least an A. He needed to do well.

Mr.Brett makes his way around the classroom handing out sheets of paper with grades and feedback written on them.
He reaches Jeno's spot and hands him his grade. Renjun sees Jeno visibly relax when he sees his grade.
"He must have done well" the brunette whispers to himself.

The teacher then hands a sheet of paper over to Jaemin who rips it from his hand. He glances it over and his eyes widen. He looks back up at his teacher, eyes still wide with shock "really?!" He says, a smile threatening to appear on his face.

Mr.Brett says nothing, only turns and carries on passing out the papers.
"I got a friggin B!" Jaemin yells as he stands from his stool, Jeno was pulling at his jumper to try and get him to sit back down.

Renjun felt a smile creep onto his lips. He did think Jaemin was a strange kid, but he knew that he worked hard. And the way that Mr.Brett has treated him in the past was bad. The brunette was happy for Jaemin.

Before he knew it, a sheet of white paper with black writing was being handed to him. He takes it with slightly shaky hands.

"A" he breaths, letting out a sigh of relief and looks up feeling much better.

Jeamin looks right at Renjun with a smile which the brunette returns before looking back down at the paper.

Great work as always, keep it up!
Remember, less is more when it comes to painting.

He lets out another small sigh, just happy that it was over.

"Well done class, I hope you are all happy with your grades. Tomorrow you will be starting group projects however this time I will be choosing who you work with" Mr Brett says from the front of the room.

Jeno and Jaemin's heads shoot up at his words. Renjun's eyes widen. In the past they had always chosen who they work with, why not this time?

"I am sick of receiving projects pieces that have only been done by one person. I'm sick of people always choosing the same partners..." at this both Jeno and Jaemin lower their heads.
"And I'm sick of people not working in a group at all" he finishes causing Renjun to slump in his seat slightly, knowing that one was aimed at him.

"I have put you in pairs. I have chosen them carefully, making sure that both art styles will compliment each other, I'm confident you will all do very well in this project. You are dismissed" Mr.Brett waves an arm as he takes a seat at his desk.

The class starts to file out but Renjun couldn't seem to move. If he gets paired with someone with a lower level of skill, it could bring his grade down.

Grabbing his satchel, Renjun stands from his seat and marches to the desk at the front of the room.
"Mr.Brett, please let me work on my own, I can't afford for my grade to be pulled down" Renjun says, his eyes begging for the teacher to understand.

"Renjun, I assure you, your grade will not be brought down. I thought hard about these pairings" he replies not even lifting his head to look at the brunette.

"But-" Renjun starts but stops thinking better of it. There was no way he was going to change this mans mind.

Letting out a sigh of defeat he pulls his bag onto his shoulder and rushes out of the room.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now