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Jeno was completely engrossed in watching Renjun from afar. There were so many things you see from afar that you miss when your up close. Like the way the older boy pulls on the sleeves of his sweater to keep his hands warm, or the way he starts to lose balance if he's stood in one position for too long.

"Jeno!" A hand was waved in front of his face causing him to blink and shake his previous thoughts from his mind.

"Uh yeh?" He mumbles trying to adjust his focus onto the younger boy beside him.

"Stop staring at Renjun, it's getting creepy" Jaemin huffs watching as Jeno turns back to their lunch table.

"I wasn't staring" Jeno mumbles quietly, knowing fine well he was staring for way too long. Technically he was allowed to do that now, they were together so shouldn't he be able to stare and admire his beautiful boyfriend all he wanted?

"Jeno, I'm gay not stupid" Jaemin hits his arm slightly only for the older boy to roll his eyes.

They had finished art early so they decided to grab lunch before the table got crowded with arguments and judgemental stares.

"Hey" Renjun chirps sitting on the opposite side of the table from the other two boys with a paper coffee cup in hand.

"Jeno was totally staring at your ass" Jaemin says causing Jeno to choke on air.
He turns to his best friend sending daggers but the younger boy just shrugged.

Jeno glances at Renjun who had a mixture of amusement and confusion on his face.
"Ignore him, he's jealous because he's being a third wheeler" Jeno teases earning a slap on the arm.

"How dare you! You said I would always be your main hoe! Renjun get out of here Jeno was mine first" Jaemin clings onto his best friends arm and Renjun was practically crying with laughter.

"Get off, your being extra gay today" Jeno mutters as he tries to push the younger boy off his arm.

"I know, I usually expressed my sassy gay with Renjun but you stole that so now it's just pouring out of me" he whines as he finally lets go of Jeno's arm.

"You two are honestly hilarious" Renjun laughs causing a huge smile to break out on Jeno's face.

And here we are again, Jeno not being able to tear his gaze away from the beautiful brunette because his smile was so stunning and bright. He couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate how amazing Renjun is.

"Sup Homos!" A voice yells as a body slides into the seat beside Renjun.

"Your out early" Haechan states as he looks between the three boys.

"We got let out early after getting our grades back" Jeno explains earning a nod from the redhead.

"And guess what! Yah bitch got another B meaning your fat ass is still stupid as hell" Jaemin sends a wink in the older boys direction before eating his food.

"Imma murder your sorry ass when you least expect it" Haechan glares at the younger boy who surprisingly looked very unfazed by his threat.

Renjun and Jeno smile at one an other as the other two boys argue yet again. The two boys had been together for almost a week now and Jeno still couldn't believe that the universe finally decided to grant him one good thing in this life.

Without even knowing what he was doing, Jeno stands up and gestures for Renjun to follow him. The older boy looked a little confused but got up anyway, completely forgetting about his half finished coffee.

Jaemin and Haechan were so busy arguing that they didn't even notice them leave.

Jeno grabs his hand and pulls him through the school, the hallways were pretty clear since everyone had gone for lunch, so the two boys could move pretty fast.

They reach a set of stairs and climb them two at a time. Renjun know where they were going but was still slightly confused why they were going there.

Finally they open the door to the roof of the school and step out into the fresh afternoon air. "Why did we leave?" The brunette's soft voice fills Jeno's ears and he instantly turns and pulls Renjun close to him.

"Because they're so loud" he whispers against the older boys ear causing a shiver to make it's way down his spine.

Slowly Renjun brings his hands up to Jeno's cheeks and pulls his face closer until their lips connect. One thing Jeno knew for sure is that he would never be able to get enough of Renjun's beautiful lips.

Jeno lifts the brunette up slightly only for Renjun to wrap his legs around his slim waist and drape his arms around his neck.

Their lips move in sync perfectly and Renjun lets out a small moan, just loving the taste of Jeno. It was a passionate kiss, showing each other how much they cared without having to use any words.

Eventually they pull away both panting for breath. Jeno lets his forehead rest against Renjun's as he stares into his beautiful brown eyes, completely loosing himself inside them.

"Thank you" Renjun whispers only for Jeno to smile slightly.

"For what?"
He was still holding Renjun up, the older boys legs still wrapped tightly around him and Jeno's hands still clinging onto his thighs to support him.

"For everything. For being so kind, for helping us get an amazing grade in our project...for liking me back" the words thatleft Renjun's mouth made the younger boys heart swell ten times bigger.

With a small smile he pulls the brunette's face down so their lips connect once again for a few seconds before pulling away. "I think I could say the same" Jeno's voice was just above a whisper, he didn't want to ruin the beautiful quiet summer air. The distant sound of students and traffic driving down the main road, the sound of birds singing happily in the green trees that surrounded the school campus. He just wanted to hear Renjun's soft breath in that moment, and he only wanted to see his beautiful face.

God Jeno had fallen hard.

A/N: I don't want this book to end :'( but thank you guys for all the lovely comments and the votes they really mean a lot ~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now