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"Where are you going?" Jaemin asked when him and Renjun both walk out of calculus.

"I told Jeno I would stay back to work on our final piece for the project" the brunette explains as he goes to turn onto the next hallway only to be grabbed by the hand and yanked back.

"So, it's going to be just you and Jeno...alone" Jaemin says quietly as he wiggles his brows causing a blush to coat Renjun's cheeks.

"Wha-n-no, stop we're just working" he stutters and the younger boy laughs.

"Aww junie, your so cute when you get all flustered" the light haired boy coo's.

Renjun pulls his arm away and turns on his heel "bye Jaemin" he yells as he turns the corner and walks away.

He had been thinking a lot the last few days about whether he should confess to Jeno or not. Jaemin knew and he was fine with it, his two best friends are a little confused but keep telling him to confess regardless.

Letting out a loud groan he walks into the art room.

"Whoa-you okay?" A voice says, a little amused but also a little worried.

"Yeah, just got a few things on my mind" he gives Jeno a small smile as he makes his way over to their easel.

"So, Jaemin told me what you guys spoke about yesterday"
Renjun feels his eyes widen slightly as he stares at the boy in front of him. Jaemin promised he wouldn't tell.
"Are you okay?" He looked a little worried and this made the older boy a bit confused.

"W-what did he tell you exactly?" He asks, bracing himself for the answer.

"He told me that you were crying because your worried your going to fail calculus...look Renjun I know you care about your grades but they're not worth crying over" .
The older boy just stood there shocked. He blinked a few times before looking back at the latter.

"Yeh I don't want to talk about it. Lets just get to work" he says, slightly embarrassed. Why did Jaemin have to make him out to be such a crybaby. And Renjun's grades in calculus were great, he was top of the class.

Jeno didn't question him further and Renjun was thankful.

He grabbed a paintbrush and examined the painting. "Hmm, how about we put some masking tape over the figures and splatter more paint on the background, I feel like it looks too bare" Renjun suggests glancing at Jeno for some sort of approval.

The younger boy looks the painting over for a moment before nodding "I think your right" he smiles as he makes his way over to Mr. Brett's desk and takes the roll of masking tape.

He hands it over to Renjun who tears of a large strip and starts to cover the painted figures carefully, making sure to get right to the edge.

Once he was finished he picks up the tube of red and black paint. "Which one do you want" he holds them up and turns to Jeno.

He thinks for a moment before taking the black one.
They both squeeze a generous amount out and dip their brushes in, making sure to water the acrylic down slightly so it would splatter better.

"Ready?" Jeno asks with a smile as he focuses on the canvas.
"Yup!" Rejun says as he flicks the brush causing red paint to splatter across the canvas.

"Hey we were supposed to do it together" the dark haired boy whines and he angrily flicks his brush as the painting.

"You were taking too long" Renjun laughs as he sits down on his stool, Jeno doing the same.
It was going to take a while so it was better sat down.

The two kept flicking their brushes at the painting trying to cover up some of the blank spots in the background.

Renjun lifts his brush up and flicks it a little too hard causing the paint to splat in the wrong direction.

He gasps slightly as he turns to Jeno "oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that, here let me get you a tissue" he rushes as he moves over to the sink and wets a tissue.

"It's okay" Jeno laughs a little at the older boys panicked state.

"I'm so sorry, I should be more careful" Renjun mumbles as he reaches over to wipe the red paint from Jeno's cheek.

He dabs it slightly making sure to water the paint down before wiping so that it didn't irritate the skin.

"Renjun" Jeno's soft voice breaks the older boy out of his thoughts and the moves his gaze from his cheek to meet his eyes. Only then did Renjun realise how close their faces were.

A small blush coats his cheeks, but he can't seem to move away. He found himself completely lost in Jeno's eyes.

Renjun had no idea what came over him but he took a deep breath as he moved his hand to cup the younger boys cheek. Slowly he leans in. Jeno doesn't try and stop him so he takes that as a sign to keep going.

He moves so that he is sat on Jeno's lap and places his lips on Jeno's soft ones.
The younger boys body tenses slightly but he soon kisses back.

Their lips move in sync perfectly and Jeno moves his hands to rest on Renjun's slim waist.

The kiss lasts a few more moments before Renjun quickly pulls away and stand up.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have done that" he panics as he takes a few steps away from the younger boy.

"N-no it's okay" Jeno stands up and reaches out for the brunette only for him to move further away.

"I-I'm so sorry, I had no right" Renjun shakes his head frantically and wraps his arms around himself.

"No, honestly it's okay, it's just..." Jeno trails off causing the older boy to stop panicking and listen.

"I like you, I like you a lot. But I can't because I can't do that to Jaemin. I can't hurt my best friend" Jeno looks down at his feet feeling slightly ashamed of himself.

Renjun's heart was racing, he could hear it's beating in his ears and he was pretty sure Jeno could hear it too.

Slowly he takes a few steps towards Jeno and lifts his chin up so that their eyes met once again. "Jaemin already knows I like you".

Jeno's eyes widen slightly. "Wha-since when?" He looked so confused and the older boy couldn't help but smile.

"Since yesterday"
Jeno moves his hand to cup Renjun's soft cheek.

"And...he's okay with it?" He asks earning a nod from the brunette.
"C-can I kiss you again?".

Without even answering, Renjun moves his face closer to Jeno and reconnects their lips. A million sparks went off in Renjun's chest in that moment.

He never for one second thought that he would have fallen so hard for his biggest competition.

A/N:~ Ahhhh! I love this ship so much.
Hope you enjoyed the kiss ;)
I'm sorry if this seemed a little rushed but we're on chapter thirty one and I thought it was time for a kiss.

Thank you so much for reading~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now