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A/N:~ you'll probably get two updates today since I'm at college and I'm bored af ;) ~♡


An A. Jeno got an A. He literally felt the stress lift from his shoulders.
Although Jeno always seems to get good grades in art class, however Jaemin was another story.

The younger boy seemed to float around for the rest of the day in a daze. Jeno was proud of him, he always seemed to piss the teacher off too much that even if he did good work Mr.Brett would give him bad grades just to spite him. This time however, he seemed to be in a good mood when grading the final pieces.

"So what, am I the idiot of the group now?" Haechan asks with a glare on his face.

"Yup" Jaemin replies as he shovels food into his mouth only to earn a smack from Jeno.

"Calm the ego" the dark haired boy says, though he doubts that Jaemin was listening.

"Your not dumb, you only did bad in one test, it's not the end of the world" Mark mutters as he sips on his coffee.

The red haired boy widens his eyes as he looks over at his friend beside him. A smile creeps onto his lips before he leans forward and wraps his arms around the older boy.

"This is why I love you hyung" Haechan squeaks, hugging the older boy so tight he almost choked on his coffee.

"Get off!" Mark pushes the redhead but he wouldn't budge.

"Jaemin, I know you got a B and I'm very proud of you, but maybe you shouldn't brag so much" Jeno whispers, leaning closer to his friends so the other two couldn't hear.

"Why? Did I come across as mean?" Jaemin asks, his round eyes widening slightly.
He wasn't a child, so Jeno wasn't going to sugar coat it for him.

"Yeah, yeah you did, look what it did to poor Haechan" Jeno nods over to the other two boys that sat opposite. Mark was still trying to push off Haechan, and Haechan wasn't budging.

"I'm sorry" Jaemin sighs, as his eyes move to meet Jeno's once more.
"I was just so happy since I've never done this well before"

"I know, and you should be really proud of yourself, your final piece came out great!" The older boy says, a big smile appearing on his face which the younger boy returns.

"I wish we could work together for the group project, but Mr Bitch is picking pairs" Jaemin sassily flips his none exiting hair before going back to eating his food.

"As long as I'm not put with someone that I won't get along with, I'm sure I'll be fine" Jeno mumbles to himself before he too started to each his lunch.


The next day, Jeno and Jaemin sit in there usual seats. The rest of the art class files in. "I'm scared" Jaemin murmurs causing his friend to furrow his brows in confusion.

"What?" He asks. Jaemin looks up at him with an expression as if to say 'are you kidding me?'

"I'm scared that I get put with someone so incredibly annoying that I murder them and go to jail, I don't want to go to jail Jeno, I'm far too pretty for a place like that!" He grabs onto his friends arm only to be shrugged off.

"Shut up and stop overreacting" he gives his friend a slap on the arm before turning to face the front of the room.

Mr.Brett stands at the front, paint brush behind his ear as always and his hair looking like it hasn't been brushed in three years.

"So, today I will be putting in your pairs for the group project.." he starts, earning a few groans from the students "...I don't want any complaints, as I assure you, that if you work with your partner, I'm positive you will create something fantastic".

Jeno grimaces slightly. The inspirational talk doesn't suite this man one bit.

"First pair will be, Mina and Hansol" he says and Jeno sees the girl at the front of the room visibly grimace.
"I want you to move next to your partners when I have called them out."

"Next pair will be Felix and Jaemin" he says and Jaemin slumps.

"I wanted Renjun" he whispers before getting up and moving to sit next to his partner.

A few more pairs are called out and Jeno can feel himself getting more anxious. Why hadn't he been paired up yet.
All the people that were left weren't people he wanted to work with.

"Next pair is Jeno and Renjun..." Mr.Brett says causing Jeno to freeze.
Renjun? Why? Their art styles and overall outlook on the subject were completely opposite.

"Jeno, go sit with your partner" Mr.Brett says breaking the dark haired boy away from his thoughts.

He reluctantly stands up and wanders to the back of the room. The brunette sat with his head down, not looking up at Jeno as he pulls out a stool and sits beside him.

Mr.Brett calls out the last two groups before beginning to speak again "I understand that some of you are not happy with who I have paired you with, however you are more like your partner than you think, we will talk more about the project topic tomorrow, you are free to go".

Jeno bends down to pick up his bag but a hand on his arm stops him. He moves his gaze up until his eyes meet with a pair of brown orbs.
"Please just let me do the project myself" Renjun says, a pleading look in his eye.

"Why? Are you afraid I'll drag down your grades?" Jeno asks with a raised brow. The older boy only looks down but it was answer enough for Jeno.
"I'm not going to let you do this project on your own, believe it or not, my grades are also pretty good." He says, pulling his arm away from the older boy, picking up his bag and walking out of the room.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now