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Jeno and Renjun agreed to come to class a little earlier than usual to get started on their work, however, where there is a Jeno, a Jaemin is never far behind.

The two boys strole into the art room and see that Renjun is already there.

"Hey gorgeous!" Jaemin yells as he skips over to the older boy with a big smile on his face. He sends him a wink causing Renjun to shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Jaemin there is this thing called being to forward, and I think your doing it" Jeno says earning a sigh from Jaemin.

"Jeno, don't ruin this for me!" The younger boy whines as he takes a seat next to Renjun.

Jeno rolls his eyes as he makes his way over to the shelves at the back of the room and grabs his sketchbook.

"So, how're yah doin?" Jaemin asks turning his back on Jeno and giving the older boy his full attention
Renjun looked over Jaemin's shoulder, silently screaming for help, however Jeno being the annoying idiot he his just gave him a smile and a shrug.

"I'm good, how about you?" Renjun mumbles his reply, leaning down to get a few things out of his bag, just so he didn't have to look Jaemin in the eye.

"Better now I'm here" Jaemin flirts, nudging the older boy slightly causing him to lose his balance on the stool a little.

"Jaemin, do you not have anything you could work on so me and Renjun can continue our project" Jeno finally speaks up, making his way over to the two boys and pulling Jaemin off of his stool.

"I mean yeah, but my partner isn't here to help" the younger boy whines causing Jeno to raise his brow a little.

"Then do some work for one of your other subjects, just please let me and Renjun work in peace" the dark haired boy begs only to earn a sigh in response.

Jaemin drags himself to the front of the room and drops himself at a desk.
"You do know if he annoys you too much, you can take out a restraining order" Jeno laughs causing the younger boy at the front of the room turn and glare.

"Yah! I can still hear you!"

Renjun laughs awkwardly at how the two younger boys bicker.
"So, have you started on any development work?" The brunette asks, taking Jeno's sketchbook and flipping through the pages.

Once he opens the book he can't seem to force himself to turn the page. Every page of the book was covered in the most beautiful sketches, drawings and paintings he had ever seen.

Jeno takes his book back, totally ignoring how stunned the older boy was.
He flips through a few more pages until he gets to one page in particular. "Here, I started a little yesterday, but I don't know if they're any good. If you don't like them feel free to change the composition" he mutters to Renjun, however the stunned boy can't seem to concentrate on what his partner was saying.

"Hyung!" Jeno yells waving a hand in front of his face "Renjun!"
Finally he snaps his attention back to the dark haired boy sat beside him.

"Oh,um, sorry." He mumbles, looking down and playing with the sleeves of his sweater "no their fine, there's nothing that needs changing".

Jeno furrows his brows slightly as he studies his sketches "are you sure? I think you could come up with something much more-"

"I said they were fine!" Renjun snaps, cutting the younger boy off.

Jeno sat stunned for a moment, not understanding what the heck had just happened.

"O-okay" Jeno says so quietly it was almost a whisper.
The tension rose in the room, so much that even Jaemin didn't have anything to say. He just kept his head down and continued his calculus homework.

After a moment the brunette lets out a sigh before dropping his head onto the desk. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you" he mumbled, his words muffled slightly by the desk.

Jeno watches at Renjun mentally beats himself for shouting.
"It's okay...don't worry about it" he says as he places a hand on Renjun's shoulder, causing the boy to tense up slightly. Jeno quickly pulled his hand away, worried he had frightened him.

The older boy lifts his head back up, his face looked a little flushed for some reason, but Jeno didn't question it.
"Your drawings are great Jeno" The corners of Renjun's mouth twitch upwards into a smile as he looks at Jeno. "There's nothing that needs changing about the composition, I-it's fine as it is".

Jeno smiles back at the older boy before looking back down at his sketchbook "if you so".

"Have some confidence Jeno, your very talented" Renjun places a hand on Jeno's arm in a comforting manner.

"If you two are quite finished flirting, I'm trying to do some homework here!" Jaemin yells, turning in his seat to glare at the two boys.

"Flirting?" Jeno says with a raised brow.
Renjun quickly pulls his hand away from the boys arm and looks down at his sweater sleeves once again, a slight blush coating his cheeks, although he didn't know why.

"Jaemin the only person that flirts with Renjun is you" the dark haired boy shoots back.

"You bet I am, keep it that way will yah!" Jaemin shoots the two boys a smirk and a wink before turning back to his work.

"U-Um, we should probably get some work done" Renjun mutters causing Jeno to snap his attention back to the older boy.

"Okay" Jeno mumbles shyly as he picks up a pencil and gets to work.

A/N: this is pretty random but to anyone reading this that is good at Math...I envy you!

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now