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{One year later}

"Jeno I don't think I can open it" Renjun panics as he holds the brown envelope in his shaky hands.

Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin all had their final results for school and they would also find out if they had gotten any scholarships too. They were all supposed to open them together but twenty minutes later Renjun was still freaking out over an unopened envelope. Jaemin had given up waiting for the couple and decided to tear his open seeing that he had actually done extremely well, no scholarship but he definitely had enough passes to get into a decent university which he was glad for.

"Renjun do you want me to open it for you?" Jeno asks in a soft voice but the older boy shakes his head.

"No I want to do it myself I'm just nervous" he mumbles as he looks down at the envelope picking the fold a little to loosen the glue.

"Renjun come on we've been stood here for ages" Jaemin groans, leaning against the wall a little. "Jeno if you don't open yours soon I'll rip it out of your hand and open it myself".

Jeno sighs slightly before looking into Renjun's eyes.
"Together?" He says and the brunette only nods before Jeno starts counting down.




They both open their envelopes and Jaemin threw his hands up in the air just glad that they were finally getting somewhere.

Renjun scans over his results, extremely happy to see he had gotten A's in most subjects with the odd B here and there.
Another slip of paper was folded behind the results and he pulls it out feeling his heart stop in his chest.

His eyes move from his results to Jeno's face trying to read his expression.
Meanwhile Jaemin decided to wander behind Renjun and look over his shoulder gasping when he sees the logo in the top right corner of the paper. This was a scholarship to one of the top art schools in Korea.

The older boy quickly shushed him, waiting to see what Jeno was going to say.

"I got a scholarship" A smile broke out on Jeno's face as he looks down at his own set of results.

"So does that mean we'll be going to the same university?!" Renjun beams only to earn a nod from Jeno before jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.
"Jaemin come here" Renjun opens up a small gap so the younger boy could squeeze into the group hug.

"I heard Busans art university is amazing" Jaemin says with a bright smile as he looks at his two friends.

Jeno's own smile falls slightly as he drops his arms from the hug "w-what?"

"Busan university of art and design, the one we got the scholarship for" Renjun reminds him but Jeno's smile didn't return.

"My scholarship is for Seoul university" he holds his paper out and Renjun tears it from his grip, Jaemin moving a little closer so he could read the paper too.

They were going to different schools? They were going to be so far apart.

"Oh" Renjun breaths, not being able to take his gaze off of the paper.

"Guys don't be so down, you both got amazing opportunities, you should be happy, you still have all summer together" Jaemin gives Renjun and Jeno a big hug before starting to walk off.
"I need to show my mother this, she's going to be so proud!" He yells down the corridor before running off.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now