❀•Twenty Eight•❀

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As Jeno made his way to art on his own, his mind was developing so many questions.
What did Renjun want to talk to Jaemin for?
Did Renjun like Jaemin back?
Are they going to be a couple now?

He tries not to think about it too much, but there was something bugging him and he didn't know what it was.

Maybe it was because Renjun wanted to talk to Jaemin and not Jeno.

"Ugh I'm not jealous" he mumbles to himself before bumping into to someone.

"Oh I'm sorry~" when Jeno looks up he instantly recognises the boy.
"Wait, your one of Renjun's friends, right?"

The blonde boy nods and crosses his arms over his chest "I have a name, it's Chenle. And speaking of have you seen Renjun anywhere, I can't seem to find him".  The boy says, looking over Jeno's shoulder for any sign of the brunette.

"He went off somewhere with Jaemin, he wanted to talk with him" Jeno explains and he can literally see Chenle's eyes widen.

"What! He went off with him alone!" The blonde went to push past Jeno but he grabs his arm.

"Why are you so worried? Jaemin is harmless"
The younger boy sighs and pulls his arm away.

"Why am I the only one that doesn't think that" he looks mad. In all honesty Jeno thought that him and Jaemin would probably get along well, by the looks of it they both seem to have the same short temper and high sass levels.

"Because you obviously don't know him well enough" Jeno says but the younger boy just rolled his eyes.
"I think they're going to be a while, so I would just go to class if I were you."

Chenle groans before turning on his heel and walking down the crowded hallway.
Checking the time Jeno quickly turns the corner and opens the door to his classroom, happy to see that Mr.Brett had not started the lesson yet.

He takes his seat at the back of the room, looking up at the canvas. They only had four days left to complete it, yet Renjun was running off with his best friend.
Had the older boy completely forgotten about wanting a good grade?

"Mr.Lee!" Jeno snapped his attention up when he heard his name.
Mr.Brett stood beside him, hands on hips. He didn't look happy.
"Do you mind telling me where your partner and that little friend of yours are?"

'They ran off somewhere together and I'm really jealous but I don't want to admit it and I just don't know what to do'
He quickly thought of an excuse that wouldn't make him sound like an idiot.

"Jaemin tripped over on the way to school sir. I was going to take him to the nurses office to get a bandaid but Renjun said I should get started on our painting, so he took him. They should be here soon" he explains only to earn a cold stare in return.

"That boy needs to watch where he's going. I can't have students turning up late to my lesson because they have trouble walking in a straight line" Mr.Brett huffs as he turns and walks back to the front of the room.

Jeno rolls his eyes slightly. Why was he always so miserable and mean? No wonder Jaemin never got along with him.

A few moments pass and the handle on the door turns. The lesson had already started so the noise level was pretty high.

Renjun and Jaemin walk over to the teachers desk only to be turned away.

Jeno stops painting for a moment to look at the two boys. They were both still smiling. Nothing seemed to be wrong.
They both laugh at something before Jaemin sits beside his partner.

Jeno felt a small sting in his chest but chose to ignore it and carry on painting. What the heck did those two talk about?

"Hey, sorry about that. I didn't intend for it to take that long" Renjun says as he drops his satchel beside the easel and got himself a paint brush.

"Is everything alright. You look like you've been crying" Jeno leans forward slightly, examining the brunette's face.

Renjun quickly looks down and shakes his head. "No I'm fine...let's just get to work".

Jeno knew that Renjun wasn't going to tell him what had happened. But Jeno knew Jaemin would.


Once the lesson was over, the older boy said a quick goodbye before rushing out of the room.

Jeno quickly packs his things away and grabs his best friend by the collar before dragging him to a not so crowded part of the hallway.

"What did he want?"

Jaemin smirks slightly "I promised I wouldn't tell. I don't break promises Jeno you know this" he says, turning slightly ready to walk away only to be dragged back.

"Why was he crying? Is he okay?" Jeno sees the expression change on his friends face slightly.

"Why? Does Jeno care about Renjun now?" Jaemin teases, pinching Jeno's cheek only for his hand to be smacked away.

"I'm serious. What's wrong?"
Jaemin shrugs slightly.

"He was worried about his calculus homework, we're in the same class so he wanted to talk to me" he explains giving the older boy an innocent smile.

Jaemin had always been quick at making up excuses, but that one was a bad one, even for him.
"Who the heck cries over calculus homework?"

"Renjun does. You know how he is when it comes to his grades being perfect" Jaemin says causing Jeno to freeze slightly. He was right. Maybe Jaemin was telling the truth.
"Don't worry your pretty little ass about it. Come on I want food".
He turns and starts walking down the hallway. Jeno stays behind for a moment before pulling himself out of his thoughts and following his friend to the cafeteria.

A/N: Jeno is a jealous hoe ;)

Anyway thank you so much for reading~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now