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Once the lesson had finished Jeno stood back from his easel. It was done. He had worked the paint until it was perfect.

He smiles to himself before grabbing his backpack. "I'll meet you outside" Jaemin says as he rushes out of the room with all the other students.

"Your all finished I take it" a voice beside Jeno says, causing him to jump slightly and drag his gaze away from his painting.
He nods.

"It's good, I can see a good grade coming out of this one" Mr.Brett says as he admires Jeno's work even more.
Then his gaze shifts to the canvas beside his. Jaemin's.

"Will you tell your friend that his is also done. Less is more when it comes to painting, and I know that boy has a habit of overdoing it, this is fine as it is" the man says nodding at Jaemin's piece.

"Of course I will" Jeno replies with a small bow as he watches his teacher leave the room.

The dark haired boy goes to leave too but something catches his eye.
In the back of the room, Renjun still worked silently on his painting, looking fully engrossed in his work.

Jeno thought about telling him that class was over and that he could leave, but thought better of it. He knew Renjun well enough to know that when he's working he shouldn't be distracted.

Pulling his backpack on Jeno takes one last look at his finished piece before leaving the room.
Jaemin jumps onto back and wraps his arms around his neck.

The older boy stumbles slightly but regains balance. "Do you mind?" He laughs, jumping up and down slightly in an attempt to shake the younger boy off of him.

"Hyung, my legs are tired. Give me a piggy back to the cafeteria, I'm hungry" he whines gripping onto his friends even tighter.

Jeno lets out a sigh but starts walking "are you hungry for food or whatever boring gossip Haechan has managed scoop up?" He questions as he grabs hold of Jaemin's legs to stop him slipping.

"Both! You wouldn't believe the stuff he finds out, sometimes I can't believe my ears!" The younger boy shrieks, getting excited just thinking about who he can bitch about all lunch.

"I won't have any ears left if you keep yelling in them" Jeno winces in pain slightly and lifts a hand to rub his ear.

"Sorry" Jaemin whispers as he jumps down and starts running off.
"I thought your legs were tired!" Jeno yells after him, speeding his pace to try and catch up.

"You were going too slow, come on!"


The two boys take a seat at their usual table opposite from Haechan and Mark.

"So! Got any new gossip, I'm in the mood to bitch" Jaemin says leaning forward slightly in anticipation.

"Jaemin your sassy gay is showing" Mark mumbles as he shoves a spoonful of food into his mouth.

"What do you think I am? Teen magazine?" Haechan fires, glaring at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow.

"So is yours" Mark murmurs earning a slap on the back of the head from the red haired boy beside him.

"The only gossip I have is that I got another D in literature and I'm not happy about it" Haechan huffs.

"Why, it's the only type of D you'll ever get" Mark says causing Jeno to choke on his water.

"Do you want to see tomorrow? Because I'll happily go to jail for murder if it'll shut you up" the redhead seethes sending daggers to Mark.
"I'm not in the mood to joke around".

"It's okay hyung, I know how you feel, I'm definitely going to get yet another F in this art project" Jaemin sighs as he munches on a strawberry he stole from Jeno.

"Oh, speaking of, Mr Brett said that your piece is finished and that you shouldn't do anything else to it or it will look over worked" Jeno picks up a strawberry and pops it into his mouth before looking over at his friend.

"Why? The idiot would have been better off keeping his mouth closed, that way I would fail even more" Jaemin pulls a disgusted face as he rests his head in his palm.

"Jaemin, he's our teacher, he doesn't want us to fail" the dark haired boy laughs.

"Not true! He's been out to get me since day one!" The younger boy yells, getting more annoyed by the second.

"Yah! Calm your tits, you and that temper of yours is going to get us into trouble" Haechan says picking up his coffee and shoving the straw in his mouth.

Jaemin slumps slightly and looks down.

"How's operation get art boy going?" Mark asks causing Haechan and Jeno to furrow their brows in confusion.

"Oh that, I've literally been trying for almost two whole years and I swear I've heard my dog speak to me more than him" Jaemin cries as he reaches over and takes a handful of strawberries off of Jeno. Yup he's one of those friends.

"Are you talking about Renjun?" Jeno asks causing the younger boy to nod quickly. "You should give up on him, he's boring, all he cares about is being top of the class" He mutters.

"So do you, your still my best friend" Jaemin shoots his friend a smirk as if to say 'stop being a hypocrite'.

"Wha-no I don't!" He says quickly sitting up straight in defence.

"Jeno your no fun" Haechan laughs only to earn a glare from the older boy.
"On the bright side, Jaemin's shit life has made me feel a lot better" the red haired boy reaches out and links arms with Mark, causing him to drop his spoon.

"Yah! You need to do something about these mood swings" Mark says trying to tug his arm away from Haechan.

"Glad my crappy life made someone feel better" Jaemin mumbles to himself as he tosses another strawberry into his mouth, hiding his slight disappointment.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now