❀•Twenty Five•❀

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Jaemin watches all art lesson. Were Jeno and Renjun flirting with each other? It was clear to see that the two boys had grown closer since the start of the project, but how close had they really gotten?

Once the bell rang signalling the end of lesson, Jaemin left the room and waited outside for his best friend.
Moments later he comes out, that always beautiful smile present on his lips.

"Enjoy the lesson?" Jaemin asks, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. Maybe he was just being the jealous hoe he always is.

"Yeah, did you?" His friend replies as they start making their way towards the cafeteria.

"I guess" Jaemin mumbles, although he knew he was lying, he spent most of the lesson being a paranoid idiot...he hopes.

It wasn't long until they were both sat at their usual table. Jaemin kept his head down, not feeling in the mood for conversation, especially with Haechan.

That feisty redhead was always trying to murder Jaemin for something. Even if the younger boy just breathed in his direction he was automatically on death row.

"You okay?" A voice causes Jaemin to snap his head up, all three of his friends looking at him. Well apart from Haechan, his was more of a glare.

He nods quickly "my mind was wandering, Donghyuck you just look extra sexy today" Jaemin says with a wink causing the redhead to glare even more.

Jaemin felt like he always had to keep up this flirty act. That it was expected of him. If he didn't they would know something was wrong.

"The only person allowed to call me sexy his Mark" Haechan hisses flipping his nonexistent hair.

"Strange, I've never called you sexy before" Mark laughs only to earn a slap on the arm from Haechan.

"Are you sure your okay?" Jeno whispers as the two boys opposite argue once again.

Although Jaemin was good at putting on an act, Jeno knew him too well that he could see right through it. He knew when Jaemin was lying, and now was one of those times.

Jaemin let's out a small sigh before turning to his best friend. "What do you think of Renjun?" He asks causing the latter to frown slightly.

With an eye roll, Jaemin grabs Jeno's hand and pulls him away from the table so no one could hear them.

"What I mean is, you and Renjun seem to have gotten very close. And you flirt with him constantly, even if you don't notice" he explains hating himself for it.
He sounded like a jealous boyfriend, but Jeno was his best friend and if he had a crush then Jaemin should be the first to know about it. No matter how much it may hurt him.

"Wha-no. Yeah I'll admit we've gotten closer, but as friends. You know I would never do that to you Jaemin, I know how much you like him" Jeno gives his friend a small smile causing the younger boy to break out into a smile too.

"Jeno I love you so damn much do you know that" he throws his arms around his friend as rests his head on his shoulder. "I got the jackpot on the best friend lottery" he laughs slightly.

He felt he could relax a little knowing that Jeno had no feelings for Renjun. However, there was still something that was tugging at the back of his mind.

Did Renjun have feelings for Jeno?

A/N:~ I know this is pretty short but it's just a filler chapter, and so you can all see what's going on inside of Jaemin head.
I'll update twice today so don't worry.

Anyway thank you so much for reading ~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now