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The next day Jeno reluctantly sat beside Renjun. The two boys didn't look each other in the eye, Renjun didn't greet Jeno with a hello or a mumble as he sat on the stool beside him. They sat in complete silence and waited for the class to start.

Mr.Brett strode to the front of the room and faced the class with his always boring face.

"So, I hope you are all happy with your partners because these are the people you will be working with for the next three weeks..." the silver haired man started.

Jeno's eyes widen and he turns to glance at Renjun to see that he was just as shocked. A three week project? This was going to be pure torture.

"The theme of this project is emotion. I want you and your partner to plan and create a large piece of work based on any emotion you wish. If you want to be more creative you may use more than one emotion..." he glances over the class once before carrying on.

"But remember, your piece must have a drive. Everything you do to your final piece must have a reason and a purpose. If your painting was hung in an art gallery and someone came up to you and asked 'what does this painting mean?' How would you answer. I want you to remember this when planning and creating..."

The only emotion Jeno could feel was irritation. He knew for a fact that him and Renjun would never settle on an emotion they would both like to do.

From what Jeno knows of Renjun he will probably want to do something simple like sadness or love or happiness, but then make the overall context of the painting complicated and unique. However Jeno would want to chose something a little more adventurous like guilt, or curiosity or loathing, but then make the painting simple so that it doesn't appear to overwhelming for the viewer.

"I will allow you the rest of the lesson to speak with your partners on what you would like to do for the project, by the end of the hour I want you both to have a clear path and direction you want this project to take you." Mr. Brett finishes, he moves from the from of the room and drops himself into his desk chair.

The classroom starts to get louder as the students start sharing ideas with their partners. However, for Jeno and Renjun, it takes a little more time before either of them look up.

An awkward silence passes over them until the older boy decides to speak up.
"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. The truth is I think your very talented, and you intimidate me slightly, or maybe it's all the time. Anyway the point is I just couldn't see us working together because we are so different..."

Jeno lifts his head to meet the brunettes gaze. He was shocked that Renjun found him intimidating since Jeno was always comparing his work to Renjun's.

"...but we can't switch partners, so we should just accept the fact that we are both different and try and make this work out because I really can't afford to fail this project and I'm sure you feel the same way Jeno". He finishes, his eyes never leaving the younger boys.

Jeno knew Renjun was right. He couldn't afford to fail this project which is exactly why he didn't want to work with Renjun. But as the older boy said, they would just have to work with their differences and push through this project till the end. No matter how difficult it was going to be.

"Okay" Jeno replies. He didn't need to say anything more, Renjun had already covered everything that needed to be said, so anything that spilled out of Jeno's mouth would just be pointless ramble.
"By the way..." he speaks up causing Renjun to snap his attention to the younger boy once again.

"Thank you, I think your talented too" he finishes. He watches as the brunette widens his eyes slightly. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards and he smiles at Jeno.
"Thank you" he replies, quickly looking down at his hands.

"Okay, changing the subject, what are you thinking for the project?" Jeno asks, shifting in his seat to grab a notebook from his bag. It was better to make notes so that they don't forget their ideas.

"Um, I don't mind, I'll let you pick the emotion" he mumbles, still looking down at his hands.

Jeno could feel himself getting slightly frustrated that the older boy wasn't responding the way he wanted him too.
He takes a deep breath and tells himself not to get annoyed, if they started arguing now they would never get anything done.

"Well, Mr.Brett said we could chose more than one if we want to..." finally Renjun looks up from his sleeves "...how about you chose one and I chose one".

The brunette nods and thinks for a moment "how about we do opposite emotions?"

"Like happy and sad?" Jeno asks, impressed at the older boys quick thinking.

"Yeah, but maybe do something else, something that more people would relate to. There is a lot of artwork out there based on being happy and sad" he explains and Jeno nods in agreement.

"So what emotion do you suggest?" The younger boy gripped his pen, getting ready to write some notes.

Renjun rakes his brain for a moment before Jeno sees his features change as an idea comes to his head.
"Fear" he says and Jeno nods. Whatever had come to the older boys mind to make him think of that emotion Jeno didn't want to ask. He writes the word down in the notebook and looks back up.

"Then...should the other emotion be confidence?" He asks and the brunette nods.
Jeno couldn't see a piece of artwork coming out of this yet, but he had to remember he had another brain to help him out, and a very talented one too.

The boys exchanged more ideas for the rest of the lesson. Jeno found himself to be continually surprised by Renjun's ideas. Maybe they should work together more often, no wonder Renjun always gets good grades. His brain was a gold mine.

"Lesson is over, but before you go I want you and your partner to do some contextual research for your emotions, you may do this anyway you chose, but as I always say, you must have a drive and an idea about what you are working with. You are dismissed" Mr.Brett says before leaving the room.

"Do you want to meet up at the weekend and do the research?" Jeno asks as he stuffs the notebook into his bag.

"Meet up?" Renjun questions, he stops packing away to look at the younger boy in slight shock.

"Well yeah, we have to do the contextual work, we will both have to know the information if we are making this piece together" he gives the older boy a look as if to say 'duh!'.

"Oh, right. Yeah okay"he mumbles as he grabs his satchel and stands from his stool. "I'll message you where we can meet" he says before moving and walking out of the room.

"And I thought Haechan had bad mood swings" Jeno mutters to himself as he too stands and leaves the room.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now