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For the first time, Jeno was actually looking forward to school. Renjun had been playing on his mind all night and as much as he wanted to study for his other subjects, the memory of the older boys lips and beautiful brown eyes pop into his head. His biggest competition was slowly turning into his biggest distraction.

He tried to ask Jaemin for help on what to do, he had no experience with relationships or kissing. Actually that was a lie, Renjun wasn't Jeno's first kiss but he had only ever had one kiss before yesterday, and it was Jaemin so it doesn't count.

Jeno had rambled on for hours about how nervous he was for today and that it wasn't until they kissed that he finally realised how much he really liked Renjun. But, before Jaemin could even help him, he totally ditched him saying 'Donghyuck is having Mark problems' which Jeno didn't buy one bit. He knew for a fact that Haechan would never ask Jaemin for help.

And that is the reason Jeno hadn't uttered a word to his best friend since he entered the school building. He wasn't usually one to hold grudges, but he needed the help and his supposedly 'best friend' didn't give him it.

"Are you seriously angry at me?" Jaemin asks as they both turn onto the art corridor.
Jeno only crossed his arms over his chest without a word.

The younger boy lets out a sigh "you wouldn't be mad at me if you knew what I've done for you" he says as he nudges the older boy, trying to get some sort of reaction from him.

Slowly Jeno turns his head to glance at the very smug looking Jaemin. "What have you done?" He couldn't contain the curiosity that began to bite at his brain.

"I can't tell you that, but when you realise what it is, you'll be thanking me until we're eighty years old" he winks before running off into the art room.

What had this boy done?

Jeno tries not to think about it too much knowing it would make him frustrated.
He takes a deep breath before stepping into the classroom. His eyes automatically glued to the beautiful brunette at the back.

Everything about him was so perfect, from the way his silky brown hair hung slightly as he looked down at his phone to the way his lips would curve upwards into a smile when he saw something funny, causing his small cheek dimples to show.

The sunlight that shone through the large window seemed to hit him so perfectly making him look almost god like from where Jeno stood.

Damn, had Renjun really effected Jeno this badly?

He slowly makes his way over to him before sitting down on his stool.

Renjun looks up from his phone and gives Jeno a shy smile before shoving the device into his back pocket.

"Hey" he says, trying his very best not to fidget with the sleeves of his large brown sweater.

"Hey, you ready to hand in the painting?" Jeno asks, not wanting awkwardness to fall over them.

"Yup, I think we've done well, I mean at least we tried to work on it last night right?" Renjun smirks slightly as he sees Jeno instantly become a nervous mess.

Jeno wasn't going to bring up what happened last night in fear of making it even more awkward between them, but obviously Renjun was all for talking about it.

"Y-yeah, at least we tried, it still looks great though" Jeno mentally kicks himself for stuttering but Renjun didn't seem to care.

A small silence settle over the two boys and Jeno glances around the room awkwardly, catching Jaemin's eyes.

He looked like he was a crazy fan girl, moving his hands up and down in a chanting motion. His partner Felix looked beyond confused and a little frightened but didn't look like he was going to question it. Thank god.

"Jeno I have something to ask you" the soft voice caused the younger boy to tear his gaze away from his crazy best friend back to the beautiful boy beside him. "Y-you don't have to say yes, but I was just thanking that-...well since you-...I mean since I-" the brunette rambles and Jeno can't help but smile at his shyness. He was so cute.

Renjun took a deep breath before looking Jeno straight in the eye "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow...if your not busy that is, if you are busy that's totally fine, we can go another day, or we don't have to go at all, I-I don't mind-" his rambling was cut off by the younger boy taking ahold of Renjun's small hand in his own.

"I would love to got on a date with you tomorrow, and don't be so nervous it's only me" he laughs slightly as he sees Renjun visibly relax.

"I'm sorry, I was trying not to be but I've never been in a situation like this before...it's all very new to me" he explains, looking down at their connected hands, he can't help but bring his other hand up and caress the other side of Jeno's hand.

"Yeah, me too" the younger boy says quietly, not able to take his eyes off Renjun's smiling lips.

Damn he was whipped.

Before they could say anything else the teacher stands at the front of the room and the class goes silent.
"So today you will be handing in your completed projects. You will receive your grades towards the end of next week, and as I've said before, I have high hopes for this project" he picks up a piece of white paper from his desk.
"I will be coming around and ticking of the names of everyone who has met the deadline, anyone who hasn't, this will affect the overall grade for you and your partner".

He slowly starts to make his way around the class and Renjun reluctantly lets go of Jeno's hand. He didn't want the teachers ego to grow when he sees that Renjun and Jeno ended up getting along much better than they initially thought.
The lesson was cut short as Mr.Brett says he wants to get started early on the grading process.

Jeno gives the older boy a big smile as they both stand and grab their bags.
"I'll message you where to meet me tomorrow" Renjun says as he hooks his satchel over his right shoulder.

Jeno just nods and they stare at each other for a moment before he brings his hand up to the brunette's cheek.
He leans in and gives him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and smiling at Renjun's shocked face.

"I'll see you tomorrow"
With that he turns and leaves the room.
Renjun stood frozen on the spot, feeling like he was going to explode with excitement.

A/N: so I have a question for you all. Is it only my wattpad that keeps fucking up or is it just wattpad in general?? because mine is acting drunk af.

Anyway thanks for reading~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now