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Monday soon came around and before Jeno knew it, he was back at school listening to Haechan complaining, yet again.

"Why did I take literature!? What the heck possessed my mind that made me think 'hey I could totally pass that subject'" the bronze haired boy whined as they walked through the gates.

"I dunno, maybe your just an idiot" Jaemin mumbles and Jeno can literally see Haechan was about to explode.

"I should have taken art with you two, I mean I could have just thrown a bucket of brown paint at a wall and named it diarrhoea and I could have gotten at least a B for it" Haechan says, waving his arms about in the air to try and help him explain.

"What kind of art is that?" Jeno asks with a small laugh.

"Modern art, it's the easiest shit in the world" he explains but Jaemin stopped him.

"Nah hyung, I tried that one last year, got an F, my eomma almost murdered me on the spot" the younger boy crossed his arms over his chest and raised his brows.

"What the heck did you do to get an F" Haechan laughs as he leans on the large double doors of the school and opens them.

"I painted two big pink circles on a canvas and named it 'sexually frustrated' but Mr.Brett just doesn't appreciate meaningful art" Jaemin murmurs pulling a disgusted face.

"Oh yeah I remember that!" Jeno laughs hysterically, rembering the way Jaemin got the whole art class to form an opinion on his 'painting' when looking at it from a meaningful point of view. Needless to say everyone thought it was hilarious apart from Mr.Brett and Jaemin who ended up with an F on his official records.

"Jaemin, you really know how to make me feel better you know that" Haechan says throwing an arm around the younger boys neck "when I think that I'm an idiot, you always swoop in and make me realise that your an even bigger idiot".

Jaemin shrugs of the redheads arm with an annoyed look on his face. "I swear to god when I get my hands around your neck" Jaemin seethes reaching out for Haechan but the boy started running off down the corridor.

"Bye guys see you at lunch!" He yells as he sprints off.

"I swear I'll kill him one day" Jaemin mutters as he turns onto the art corridor and enters their classroom.

Jeno looks over to the back of the room and sees Renjun smile at him. Jeno definitely felt like they had bonded a little on Saturday, they definitely still weren't close, and it still felt like an argument could break out between the two if something wrong was said, but they seemed to be much more friendly than before.

"Good morning" Jeno says as he drops himself onto the stool beside the smiling brunette.

"You seem in a good mood, why?" Renjun pulls a suspicious look but the smile doesn't leave his lips.

"Well, I've just got here, haven't been insulted by Jaemin or my other friend and I come in here and you smile at me instead of giving me a frown like you usually do. Does that explain it?" He reaches down for his bag and takes out the notebook that the two boys had written down all the context in.

Renjun nodded "I guess" he laughs a little as he watches Jeno place the notebook onto the desk. "How's your hand".

Jeno looks down at his right hand before giving Renjun an annoyed look "much better now" he rolls his eyes with amusement causing the brunette to laugh.

"Well my brother seemed very satisfied with the drawings you did for him" Renjun mutters, flipping through Jeno's book until he got to the bookmarked pages.

"I'm glad my hand suffered for a good cause" the younger boy laughed.

"You seem to be very good with kids. Do you have younger siblings?" Renjun asks, tilting his head slightly and resting his in his palm.

"No but I have Jaemin, he's as childish as it gets" Jeno looks over at the older boy who doesn't seem to have much expression on his face anymore.

"Do you want to hear something funny Jeno" Renjun asks not taking his gaze off of the dark haired boy.
Jeno mumbles a small 'I guess' before resting his arms on the desk and cupping his face in his hands.

"I used to think that you and Jaemin were a couple, and when he started crushing on me I actually thought he was trying to cheat on you" he says causing Jeno's eyes to widen.

"What! You thought we were a couple" shock audible in his voice.

Renjun nods and laughs a little at Jeno's reaction "a lot of people did, and probably still do".

"I would never date Jaemin, we're too much like brothers and he isn't my type anyway" Jeno mutters, a look of slight disgust on his face.

Before Renjun could say anything else Mr.Brett trudges into the classroom, causing the students to quieten down and face forward.

"I hope you all did your homework because I will be going around each group to make sure that you have, so get your work out ready. If you have not completed the set homework, I'll will be considering this when grading the overall project" he says causing a few people to groan in annoyance and some people just started to freak out completely.

He started wandering around the room, Renjun and Jeno waited patiently until it was their turn.

Jeno watched as the older boy picked up a pencil and started doodling on a spare sheet from the notebook. He started to draw a bunch of roses and Jeno couldn't help but smile for some reason. Why was he doodling roses?

Before they knew it Mr.Brett stood in front of their desk causing both boys to sit up a little straighter.

Jeno flipped through the notebook, explaining each idea and concept that they had researched. Renjun jumped in every now and then to help explain the links between the contextual work and their initial ideas.

Mr.Brett nods in approval "see Renjun, arn't you glad I didn't let you switch partners,it looks like you two are on your way to creating a good piece of art" he says before wandering off to the next table.

"Aha, sorry I tried to swap partners" Renjun mumbles, scratching his neck slightly.

"It's okay I didn't want to work with you either" Jeno replies as he closes the notebook and keeps his eyes focused on the table.

He really didn't want to work with Renjun at the beginning. But now after seeing that they can actually work pretty well together, he didn't want to work with anyone else, although he would never say this outloud.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now