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"What if we get a bad grade? Oh no Jeno what if my crappy art work drags your grade down" Renjun rambles as he fidgets nervously. It was finally the day of getting their grades back and to say Renjun was scared was an understatement.

"Renjun, your art work isn't crappy, stop panicking. It's over now, whether we get a bad grade or a good grade there is nothing we can do about it now" Jeno places his hand on top of the older boys to try and calm him down slightly but Renjun quickly pulls away.

"Jeno, you don't understand how much good grades mean to me. I let myself get distracted with stupid feelings all the way through this project and I know it's going to show" he groans as he slams his face onto the desk.

"Stupid feelings?" The hurt was audible in Jeno's voice and the brunette instantly sits up letting his eyes meet his boyfriends.

"No I-I'm sorry I'm just worried" sighs as he looks down and starts picking at a blotch of dried up paint on the palm of his hand.

Why did he have to be so damn mean when he was stressed?

Suddenly a finger is pressed against the underside of his chin tilting it up slightly so that he was looking into Jeno's beautiful brown eyes. Just looking at Jeno made Renjun relax a little. He was so stunningly beautiful that he would outshine any silly painting in an art gallery.

"Calm down" his voice was as sweet as sugar and as soft as a feather causing Renjun's heart to speed up slightly just at the sound.

Unable to form any words in that moment, Renjun only nods as he reaches his hand up and takes Jeno's in his own, squeezing slightly.
How did he get so lucky?

Soon the lesson starts and Mr.Brett starts handing out the grade slips to each pair, the whole time he was making his way around the classroom Renjun would just hold Jeno's hand even tighter.

The teacher reaches Jaemin's desk and both him and his partner jump up out of their seats and embrace each other in a huge hug. "Another friggin B! Sir are you finally staring to see my artistic talents?" Jaemin yells and Renjun can see the teacher roll his eyes.

"Sit back down" were his only words before he continues to hand out the sheets.

Finally he reaches Renjun and Jeno. The younger boy takes the piece of paper and holds it to his chest before turning to the brunette. "Are you ready?"

Renjun only nods before Jeno moves the slip over so that they could both read the grade.

The older boys heart was pounding as he skimmed over the feedback looking for the grade.


They had gotten an A.
Renjun lets out a sight of relief as Jeno pulls him closer to his side.

"Well done" Jeno whispers as Renjun rests his head against the younger boys shoulder.

"What do you mean well done, half of this was your work. Well done Jeno" he smiles letting out a small laugh as Jeno places a small kiss against his temple.
"I really hope we get into the same university" he sighs, melting into the feeling of Jeno combing his silky hair with his fingers.

"Really? Won't I be too much competition for you?" Jeno laughs causing Renjun to lift his head and smack the younger boys arm playfully.

"Shut up, you know I don't see you like that anymore" he laughs with a roll of his eyes.

"Then how do you see me?" Jeno asks causing the brunette to freeze slightly. How did he see Jeno? He wasn't expecting this question.

"I see you for who your are now. I don't look at you and automatically think of you as competition, I look at you and think 'hey that's my boyfriend' even though I have to pinch myself sometimes to believe it" he explains and watches as Jeno's face breaks out in that very beautiful eye smile.

Renjun couldn't seem to look away. It was generally impossible to look away from something so perfect.

"Your really amazing Renjun"
The brunette's heart beat speeds up and he looks down, not wanting to show off the light pink colour that had started to coat his cheeks.

"Okay class listen up!" The teacher yells over the noisy classroom. Renjun let's Jeno's hand slip away from his grip as he looks up to listen.
"I'm happy to say that all groups achieved a C grade and above for this project. I want you all to take away what you have learnt in this project, I want you to be more open minded and more experimental when doing your own artwork" he explains, that always expressionless face never changing.

"Next lesson you may move back to your usual seats and we will be doing a few more workshops before you start your final project after summer".
Renjun slumps a little. He didn't want Jeno to move back. He wanted him to say here at the back with him, maybe Jaemin could join too. He really hoped that Jeno wouldn't move back and leave Renjun all alone.

"You are dismissed" with that everyone stood up and ran out of the room, desperate to get first in the lunch line.

Renjun picks his bag up and pulls it onto his shoulder.
"Will you be moving to the front with me and Jaemin?" Jeno asks causing Renjun to snap away from his previous thoughts.

"The front? B-but only people that have friends sit at the front" he says shyly causing the younger boy to let out a small laugh as he takes Renjun's hand in his.

"You do have friends, just sit with us please, I don't want you to leave me, it will feel strange coming to art class and not having your beautiful smile greet me every time" the dark haired boy begs making Renjun blush once again.

"Of course I'll move to the front" he smiles seeing the happiness grow on Jeno's face.

"Come on, lets go get food" Renjun lets himself be dragged from the room by his boyfriend, the smile never leaving his lips and his heart beat never slowing down.

Seriously how did he get so lucky?

A/N: Not many chapters left of this book guys :( I'm sad to see it end ~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now