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Renjun watches as Jeno leaves the room. He couldn't believe he had been put with him. Their art styles were completely different and their whole outlook on art in general was different. Renjun couldn't work with him.

He grabs his bag before storming out of the classroom. He spots the boy he's looking for and runs to catch up with him.

"Jeamin!" He yells, causing the younger boy to stop and turn. Jeno, who was walking beside him also turned, stunned to see that it was Renjun that had wanted Jaemin's attention.

"Oh, sunbae!" Jaemin beams, giving the older boy a bright smile. He looked like he was going to explode with happiness.

"Do you want to be my partner for the art project?" He asked causing the younger boys jaw to drop. Renjun sees Jeno roll his eyes but chooses to ignore him.

He knew that Jaemin was so love-struck and dumb that he would let Renjun all the work, meaning that they would both get an A.

"Yas!" Jaemin almost screams in eagerness but is stopped.

"Do you really think I'm that bad at art?" Jeno asks. Renjun moves his gaze to meet the dark haired boy. Jeno looked genuinely hurt and a little bit disappointed.
Renjun felt his heart sink so low he thought it was going to fall out.

"No! Not at all, it's just that, we have very different styles and I just don't think they will go together well" he explains, but the look on Jeno's face doesn't change.

"Mr.Brett says we can't switch partners anyway" the younger boy states, not moving his eyes off of Renjun.

"It's worth a try hyung!" Jaemin chimes in but is stopped by Renjun shaking his head.

"No, Jeno's right, it was stupid of me to ask, just forget it. See you later" the brunette rushes before turning around and making his way to the music department.

Renjun couldn't seem to shake the look on Jeno's face from his mind. Did he really upset him that much. That wasn't his intention. "Idiot" he mutters to himself as he pushes open the classroom door.

The familiar blonde sat at a piano. His fingers dancing across the keys and his eyes closed as he plays.

Renjun stays quiet so that he doesn't disturb Chenle. He stands at the door, watching and listening to the beautiful music. There was no denying that Chenle was incredibly talented at this.

Once the song comes to an end Renjun claps his hands together "that was amazing!" He beams as he moves closer to his friend and sits beside him on the bench.

"Hyung, I didn't know you were there" Chenle says, a little shocked to see Renjun.

"I finished my lesson early so I came here, I didn't want to disturb you though" he explains earning an understanding nod from the blonde.

"I was practicing for my exam tomorrow, I'm going for grade seven"
Renjun's eyes widen a little.

"Grade seven? Already?" He asks, completely stunned at the level his friend was working at.

Chenle nods proudly causing his friend to smile.

"Is everything alright?" The smile fades from his face as the younger boy studies the latter. Although Renjun was acting fine, Chenle could tell that something was definitely off.

"Wha-oh um we got put into pairs for the group project in art that's all" he explains and the blonde boy gasps.

"No way! Did you get put with Jaemin?!"
Renjun quickly shook his head. He knew that Chenle and Jisung were very weary about Jaemin, although Renjun knew he was completely harmless.

"No, I didn't get put with anyone bad. In fact I got put with one of the most talented people in my class".
Chenle slumps slightly and gives his friend an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Then what do you look so bummed for?" His tone had turned bored.

"Well, I don't know if we will work well together" the older boy looks down and plays with the sleeves of his jumper.

"You over think everything. Come on, lets go pick up Jisung and go eat" he stands and grabs onto his friend, dragging him up off the seat.

"Wait!" Renjun says causing Chenle to stop "will you buy me coffee?" He says in a cute voice and smiles sweetly.

The younger boy rolls his eyes and carries on dragging his friend. "If I do will you stop complaining and just be happy that you got paired with someone that has talent?" He says as he scoops up his bag and leaves the classroom.

"I promise" Renjun swings his arm around his friend causing him to sigh in frustration.

"It's hard to believe that your older than me, you act so immature sometimes" Chenle mumbles but the brunette only hugs him tighter.

"Shut up and stop complaining" he orders as he lets go of the blonde and walks ahead, desperate for some caffeine.

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now