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The next day Jeno and Jaemin walk into art class. Renjun, to no surprise, was already sat on his stool, head down and scrolling through his phone.
"Are you sure you have no feelings for him?" Jaemin asks causing the older boys eyes widen slightly.

"Wha-of course not" he says quickly before hurrying off to the back of the room, leaving a smirking Jaemin behind.

"Hi" Jeno sits on the stool and drops his bag onto the floor.

Renjun looked up from his phone to give the dark haired boy a bright smile. "Are you okay? You seem stressed?" He laughs slightly as he shoves his phone into his pocket.

"What? Oh it's just the project, I'm just worried we won't get it finished in time" Jeno sighs as he looks at their piece. Half of that was a lie and half of it was true. He didn't know for sure they would get it complete before Friday. But the truth was he was still a little shook up about Jaemin's previous question.

"Well, if your not busy we could stay back after school tonight and work on it" Renjun suggests only to earn a nod from the younger boy.

"Damn Jeno, your worrying more than me now" he says with a small chuckle as he rests a hand on Jeno's knee, only for the latter to tense up at the contact.

Renjun pulls his hand away, not daring to look Jeno in the eye.

Before the situation could get even more awkward Mr.Brett stands at the front of the class. The only time Mr.Brett has been a life saver since Jeno started art.

"You have three days to complete the project. I can't tell you enough how important it is that you make sure all of your preparation work is completed and presented effectively, this can pull your grade up." Jeno looks down to Renjun's huge art portfolio that he kept under his desk. It was full of all their preparation sheets and early stages of the composition. They didn't have to worry about that.

"I recommend you finish your final piece either today or tomorrow, and then spend the last day going through the whole project and making sure that everything is up to satandard...you may start" the noise level grows as he sits down in his chair.

"Don't worry, I stuck all of our research onto big a3 prep-sheets,and any essays or worded research is stapled together. We only have to focus on getting this done" Renjun explains as he nods towards the large canvas in front of them.

Jeno was glad that Renjun had everything sorted out. He felt kinda bad that he had been focusing on stupid feelings more than he had been focusing on his art and potential grade. Renjun was a total life saver. Yet another reason to love Renjun, the list is just getting longer and longer.

Jeno wiped his mind clear, he needed to focus on their final piece.
Reaching over to the table, he goes to pick up one of the paint brushes only to feel his body tense when his hand touches skin.

"Oh, sorry. Here you take it" Renjun says awkwardly, handing Jeno the paint brush that they had both reached for at the same time.

Renjun quickly grabbed another brush before standing from his stool and moving closer to the easel.

"T-thanks" Jeno mumbles before he too makes his way over to the easel.

Their final piece for this project was much more abstract compared to what both boys usually do. There was clearly two figures in the painting, one representing fear and the other Confidence.

On figure was crouched down, face complete covered by the mess of black hair that tumbles and rest against It's neck.
The other figure stood straight, chin held high and a strong look in it's eye.
The background was filled with random splatters of paint, doodles, spiders, flowers anything really.
But if you looked hard enough, you could make out certain words. Words such as 'strength' or 'weakness', 'proud' or 'ashamed'. They were words that the two boys had felt at some point for some reason. Although neither asked the other to explain why they had added the words to the painting.

Making sure Renjun was busy painting on the other side of the canvas, Jeno takes his brush and dips it into the black paint.

He leans closer to the painting and slowly paints the word 'love'.

A/N: sorry it was another short chapter, BUT YA'LL BETTER BE READY FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Anyway thank you so much for reading and thank you for all the lovely comments, love yas! ;)~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now