❀•Twenty One•❀

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"Jeno! No your going to ruin it. I can't watch!" Renjun yells covering his eyes as the younger boy lets out a loud sigh of annoyance.

"Renjun! This is the tenth time I have attempted to paint and you have stopped me."
The two boys were stood in front of the shared easel in the art room. Renjun had painted a simple composition and Jeno was supposed to start painting in some detail but the older wouldn't let him.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared you ruin it" the brunette drops his hands from his face, locking his eyes with an angry looking Jeno.

"It's acrylic, even if I do make a mistake, you can paint over it" he brings the paint brush up to the canvas once again.

Renjun watches in fear as Jeno begins to paint. The brush strokes the canvas a few times, and once the brunette was sure he wasn't going to mess up he let out a shaky breath.

Picking up another brush he stands beside Jeno and begins to paint a different part of the canvas.

Jeno turns his head slightly, noticing how close Renjun's face was to his. He smiles slightly, not being able to move his gaze away.

The older boy moves his eyes over to lock with the latter. "Are you going to paint or what?" He smiles only causing Jeno to raise a brow.

"You wouldn't let me paint a minute ago"

"Well now I am, so get on with it" Renjun laughs slightly, causing Jeno to laughs too.

The older boy shivers as he feels the younger boys breath on the back of his neck. He needed to focus on the painting, not Jeno.

They worked in silence for a little until Jeno dropped his paint brush, causing a large streak of red to appear on the canvas.

Renjun jumps back with widened eyes as he watches a calm Jeno pick up the brush. Jeno looks over at the latter who looked like he wanted to scream and collapse onto the floor.

"It's okay we can just paint over it" the dark haired boy calmly says however Renjun was still a little shaken.
He can't get a bad grade, what would his parents think. They would kill him, he would be grounded for like two weeks. He didn't want that. He didn't want to see them disappointed.

"Are you okay?" Jeno asks, suddenly concerned at how defeated the older boy looked.
Taking a step closer he places a hand on Renjun's shoulder causing him to move his gaze from the streak of paint to Jeno's kind eyes.

He nods, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
Jeno already had a theory that the older boy had a bad case of anxiety when it came to his artwork, always wanting to work alone so he could make it perfect.

"It's okay, if we just keep painting, it will get covered up and you won't even know it was there, I promise" it seemed silly that the younger boy had to comfort Renjun over something like this, but everyone has fears and you never truly know what is going through someone's mind.

"O-okay" he stutters, giving the younger boy a thankful smile for being understanding and not thinking he was a little strange.


By the end of the lesson the two boys had gotten quite a lot of the painting done, however it was far from being finished.

"Should we work on it over the weekend?" Renjun asks, stepping back from the canvas admiring their work.

"Sure, you could come around my house if you like, my dad will be at work and my mum won't bother us so there should be no distractions" Jeno mutters as he cleans his and the brunette's brushes.

"Sure" Renjun smiles, suddenly feeling a lot more confident in this piece than he had an hour earlier.

"Jeno, let's go, I need food. Renjun babe you can come too" Jaemin says as he picks up both of the boys bags and shoves them against their chests.

"Babe?" Renjun raises a brow only to earn a wink from the younger boy. He was definitely becoming more open about his flirting.

Jeno just rolled his eyes slightly "you'll scare him off being too forward" he laughs slightly as he pushes the younger boy towards the door, the brunette following behind.

"He loves it" Jaemin giggles skipping out of the room.

"I'll just pretend this conversation didn't happen" Renjun says, smiling at Jeno before following the youngest out of the room.

A/N: sorry this chapter was a little short, I hope you guys liked it anyway, I promise you that Noren is coming soon! It will happen!

Anyway thank you again for all the support on this story it really means a lot ~♡

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