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A/N: Crappy filler chapter warning
Jeno had never felt so happy in all his life. It also felt incredibly strange that he had a boyfriend. Even more weird that it's Renjun.

"So I'm guessing you'll be sitting with us at lunch" Jaemin asks Renjun as they walk through the school entrance.
Jeno had his hand intertwined with the brunette's as they make their way down the hallways.

"I would but I can't ditch my friends" Renjun mumbles as he gives the two boys a sorry look.

Jeno just shrugs slightly "they can sit with us too" he squeezes his hand slightly and the older boy smiles.

"Okay, I'll have to talk with them first but I'm sure they'll agree" he says as he reaches up and gives the younger boy a small peck on the cheek.

"Awe your so cute!" Jaemin beams as he watches how utterly smitten the two boys looked together.

Jeno tries to hide his disappointment as Renjun slips his hand away to go to his first lesson.
"I'll see you at lunch" he smiles as he waves to the two best friends before sprinting off to his class.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Jeno asks once Renjun was far out of sight.

Jaemin just nods, the smile not leaving his face. "Yes, how many times do I have to tell you" he links his arm with Jeno as they too start making their way to their first class of the day.
"But I want you to remember something, no matter how much you let yourself fall for Renjun, I'll always be your main hoe" he winks causing Jeno to roll his eyes slightly.

"Of course" he laughs before dragging his friend down the busy hallway.


"Jeno how dare you do this without our permission" Haechan yells as he glares at the dark haired male sat opposite. When Jeno had told them that Renjun and his friends would be sitting with them from now on Haechan didn't take the news too well.
"We won't allow it right Mark" the bronze haired boy huffs as he turns to look at the older boy who just shrugs a little.

"Honestly Donghyuck I don't care" he mumbles and Jeno swore he could see flames light up in the younger boys eyes.

"Jaemin stand up" Haechan says, not taking his blazing eyes off of Mark.

"What! Why?"

"Because I said so!" he snaps and Jaemin reluctantly stands only to be dragged around the other side of the table and dumped into Haechan's previous seat.

"You could have just asked me to swap seats" Jaemin mutters only to earn a small kick under the table.

"Hyuck your actually unbelievable" Jeno sighs but the red head beside him is far too busy sending daggers at Mark to pay attention to whatever Jeno was saying.

A few moments pass, the table staying for the most part silent as they munched on their food. The only noise to break the silence was a small snicker from Jaemin but he was quickly shut up by another kick. Jeno had to try his very hardest not to let out a laugh of his own.

"Hey!" A voice yells as a pair of arms drape around Jeno's neck causing the boy to break out into a smile and his heart to skip a beat.

Renjun took a seat beside Jeno and Jisung sat beside him, meaning the only seat left for Chenle was next to Jaemin.

The blond curses under his breath before reluctantly sitting down.
"So since you two are a thing now do we have to sit here everyday?" Chenle asks, his eyes looked like they were begging Renjun to let them move.

"Just drop it hyung, they're nice enough guys" Jisung says causing the older blonde to slump slightly.

"Oh your so cute!" Jaemin beams. He had seen Jisung a handful of times but never before realised how adorable he was.

Chenle turns in his seat slightly as he rests a hand on Jaemin's shoulder, causing the older boy to look over at him "your crossing the line". He says calmly before removing his hand and taking the large bag of M&M's from Jisung.

Jeno laughs a little but was quickly distracted when Renjun rested his hand on his knee.
"Maybe it was a bad idea for us to sit with you" The brunette whispers only for Jeno to quickly shake his head.

"No, why would you say that?"

Renjun sighs slightly "well it's obvious Lele doesn't really like Jaemin, Jisung's fine because he's in his own world half of the time anyway, but Haechan has been glaring at Mark since we got here, is it because of us?" He asks and Jeno thinks for a moment.

"Honestly, those two are always arguing about something but they love each other nonetheless. Usually Haechan is yelling at Jaemin for something too, this is normal behaviour for my friends, please stay, it's boring if I only get to see you in art class" Jeno explains with a small groan as he wraps an arm around Renjun and pulls him closer.

"Get a room!" Chenle yells causing the two boys to instantly jump apart.

Maybe it would take a while for them to all get along after all.

A/N: Sooooooo I got tagged to do this thing by BLUEGYEOM and of course I'm gonna do it, BUT I seriously have no friends, so the tagged list is gonna be hella short because I deffo have nowhere near 15 friends,oh well. Nvm I don't even have two ahaha fuck me XD
Also I didn't know if I was supposed to post this separately but I just thought I'd stick it on the end of a chapter coz why not?

 Nvm I don't even have two ahaha fuck me XDAlso I didn't know if I was supposed to post this separately but I just thought I'd stick it on the end of a chapter coz why not?

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Dunno what it means by title must be 'lit' but imma just say LIT and hope I'm good.
Thirteen facts about me ;)

1- I'm British

2-I'm trash af

3-I live off dead memes

4-I'm a fine art student but I'm deffo failing the subject coz my teacher is a total ass

5-I ship NoRenMin with my life but it makes me hella confused

6-I like food...a lot

7-I spend too much time on wattpad when I should be studying for A level exams but screw that

8-I look like a potato

9-My brain only lets me speak English when it's in the mood, any other time I speak fluent gibberish

10- I'm running out of facts coz I'm hella boring

11-I'm the most awkward human to walk the earth

13-I'm older than ChenSung

Alright imma tag one person now because I'm too socially awkward to tag strangers. Shout out to ma bestie tho, u da best Bae~♡


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