❀•Twenty Seven•❀

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A/N: GUYSSSS! This book is at 2k reads already HOW!? That was so quick?
Thank you soooo much, I actually love u all so damn much *hugs every single person reading so hard*~♡

Renjun couldn't hear anything over the sound of his own heartbeat as he walks down the school hallways.
After spending almost three whole hours pondering over what he was going to do, he finally decided it was only right for it to happen.

He did consider asking Chenle and Jisung for advice but thought better of it. They would only tease him and say that what he was about to do wasn't a big deal. But it was. Maybe not to them, or Jeno, or even Renjun. But to Jaemin, it definitely would be.

Renjun turns the corner to see the light haired brunette smiling his bright smile towards Jeno. Renjun honestly felt awful knowing he was about to wipe that beautiful smile from his face.

"J-Jaemin. Can I speak with you for a moment?" Renjun asks, giving a confused looking Jeno a small nod in greeting.

"Um, sure" Jaemin looked pretty shocked that the brunette actually wanted to speak with him, and not Jeno.
"What's wrong?"

"Could we maybe speak somewhere a bit more private" the older boy says eyeing the dark haired boy stood beside Jaemin.

"Oh, sure" Jaemin pushes himself off of the wall he was leant on, giving his best friend a quick side glance before following Renjun down the hallway.

They walk in silence. They turn numerous corners and climb a set of stairs until they reach the rooftop of the school.

Jaemin lets out a small laugh "private indeed. I'm a little worried now, what's wrong?" He asks nervously as he moves a little closer to Renjun only for the brunette to take a small step back.

"Jaemin..." he starts trying to think of the right way to say it. He had practiced so much last night. Thought of how this conversation would play out in his mind, but now he just felt like he hadn't prepared enough for this.
"...what I'm about to tell you, you have to promise me that you won't be upset, because it was never my intention to upset you. All you have ever been is kind to me, and I like you, your a great person and I wish there was I way I could tell you this without sounding like the most heartless person in the world" he explains as he feels his heart beat speed up slightly.

Renjun sees the expression on Jaemin's face change slightly. He looked disappointed, but he also looked like he knew what was coming.

"You also have to promise me that you won't tell Jeno..." the older boy looks down, no longer being able to look at Jaemin.

A moment of silence slips over them, the only sound to be heard was the spring breeze and the faint sound of students making their way to their first period.

"You like him, don't you?" Jaemin speaks up causing Renjun's eyes to widen slightly. He looks back up at Jaemin who had no expression on his face.

Renjun only nods slowly hearing a small sigh come from the younger boy. "H-how did you know?"

Jaemin laughs slightly "you two flirt like crazy in art class. It wasn't hard to figure out" he says causing the older boy to look down once again feeling slightly embarrassed.

Renjun couldn't deny that the fact Jaemin still had a small smile on his face made him relax slightly.

"So, your not upset?"
The younger boy takes a few steps closer to Renjun and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Of course not. Yeah, I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but I've always known I was never going to end up with you. It was just a silly crush...I'll get over it".

Renjun looks up to meet Jaemin's eyes. Renjun could feel himself tearing up slightly.
Without even knowing what he was doing he jumps forward and wraps his arms around Jaemin.

"Why are you crying? Shouldn't I be the one crying" the younger boy laughs slightly but folds his arms around Renjun's waist anyway.

"I-I just feel so b-bad. I-I wouldn't blame you I-if you hated me" The older boy sobs as he buries his face into the Jaemin's shoulder.

"Don't be stupid, I could never hate you" he says and he meant it. He wasn't mad that Renjun had developed feelings for his best friend. A little disappointed, but never mad.

He rubs circles onto Renjun's back, trying to calm him down slightly. "Promise me you won't tell Jeno" the older boy says, his words muffled slightly by Jaemin's shoulder.

"I won't, but I'm pretty sure he's starting to like you too"
Renjun pulls away quickly, his eyes widening.

"Really?" His tears seemed to have stopped completely.

"Yup. But I think he's trying to cover any feelings he has because he doesn't want to hurt me." He smiles sadly but puts the positive look back onto his face.

"I totally ship it now you know that right?"
Renjun laughs slightly. This whole situation couldn't have gone any better.

Jaemin wraps his arm around the brunette's shoulder as they start heading back towards the roof door.
"Noren! Let the ship sail!"

A/N: I need to get me a friend like Jaemin...
Also I'm really sorry this is pretty short but I promise the next chapter will be longer~♡

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now