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A/N: As promised here is the extra chapter...enjoy!

The weather outside had started to turn bitter, everything seemed to glisten with a thin layer of frost in the early morning. Renjun felt like he was buried neck deep in schoolwork.

He'd wanted to mope around for a while about how much he missed Jeno when he first arrived (mainly because he'd seen people do it in movies and low-key wanted to make his life a teen drama) but he hadn't even had the time to even just call his boyfriend.

From his very first lesson he was given project after project and if he wanted to meet all of his deadlines he had to be dedicated.

Of course he had made time to speak to Jeno and his other friends. They were still extremely important to him.

He usually had video calls with Jeno on a night whilst he worked on his paintings for class, and sometimes Jaemin would be there to cause an argument causing Renjun to laugh and get incredibly distracted from his work.

Jeno also had a shit tonne of work but, just like the older boy, always made time for his boyfriend.

However over the last few weeks their video calls had turned into a few text messages a day, then down to one text a night. If he was lucky that is.

Renjun was starting to worry that Jeno had gotten bored of him.

Renjun groans loudly and let's his body fall back onto his bed. He grabs a pillow and covers his face. He just wanted to hug each and every one of his friends.

"What the heck is up with you" a soft voice says, a hint of amusement etched in his tone.

Renjun throws the pillow across the room before sitting up and looking at his roommate. "I think my boyfriend is bored of me" he pouts as he watches his roommate stand and sit beside him on the bed.

"Aw baby, what makes you think that?" He wraps his arms around the younger boy and Renjun happily hugged back.

Since getting to university his roommate, Jungwoo, had practically become his best friend.

"We barely talk anymore, we use to a lot, but now it's rare to even get a text message" he sighs, letting go of Jungwoo and looking down at his hands.

"Well, it's winter break next week, you going back right?" He asks only to earn a nod from the younger boy. "Maybe you should do something that will make him crave you" he suggests but Renjun only raised a confused brow.

"Like what?"

Jungwoo thought for a moment before a smirk appeared on his lips "hmmm, how about trying something a little more intimate, he definitely won't be bored if you do something that will make him beg for more".

Renjun's eyes widen and he shakes his head "wha-no, I-I can't do that. I'm too young it's just wrong, plus I think I may scare Jeno off if I try something like that. Heck I don't even know how to do something like that!" The brunette begins to ramble however Jungwoo had zoned out and had begun picking at his well manicured nails.

"Okay, you don't have to, it was just a suggestion" the older boy shrugs as he goes to stand from the bed but a hand grabs his arm and pulls him back down.

Renjun stares at him for a moment, the conflict evident on his face. "W-will you tell me how to do it?" He goes a little red in the face with embarrassment. This was so out of his comfort zone.

Jungwoo only smirks slightly before sending the younger boy a wink "anything for you babes".


Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now