❀•Twenty Nine•❀

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"Renjun!" A voice yells causing the brunette to turn.
He gives the angry looking blonde a smile only to get a whack on the arm.

"Ow! What the heck was that for?!" He yells hitting the younger boy back.

"You went off with Jaemin...alone! Do u know what he could have done to you!" Chenle shouts causing a few people to look over at them.

"Shhhh, you know Jaemin is harmless right?" He raises an eyebrow at his friend who only shrugs in response.

"What did you talk to him about anyway?" Chenle mumbles as they start to walk towards the cafeteria.

"I told him that I have a crush on Jeno"
The blonde's eyes widen slightly.

"Omigod! Did it break his heart?" He asks exitedly. Renjun honestly couldn't understand what Chenle had against Jaemin.

"Surprisingly no" they turn into the cafeteria and spot Jisung sat at their table.

"Really? Wow maybe he will leave you alone now" Chenle gives Renjun a smile and a pat on the back before running over to their table and jumping in the seat next to Jisung.

Renjun joins giving the youngest boy a smile.
"How was your lesson? Or should I say how was Jeno?" Jisung smirks and wiggles his brows slightly.

"Stop! Your too young to be saying that stuff" Renjun snaps earning a pout from the blonde.

"That's not true, I'm almost seventeen...maybe I should start having a crush" he smiles and jumps slightly as an arm is wrapped around his shoulder.

"No you shouldn't Jisung. Crushes are the worst, you get your hopes up over someone you know you'll never be with" Chenle says with a sad smile which Renjun completely ignored.

"Do you mind! Your not helping me or making me feel any better right now" the brunette huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and slumping in his seat.

"What? It's true, look what you just did to poor Jaemin" Chenle takes the bag of sour patch kids off of Jisung and shoves one into his mouth.

"Oh so it's 'poor Jaemin' now?" Renjun says using air quotations. The oldest blonde pulls out a carton of orange juice and shoves the straw into his mouth.

He thought about what Jaemin had said to him, that Jeno liked him back.
But what if he didn't? What if Jaemin is wrong?

Renjun groans slightly. This was making everything so difficult to him. Should he confess? But what if he confesses and Jeno doesn't feel the same way?

He turns his head to look at Jeno. His bright smile could cause the sun to look dim.
Renjun felt his heart speed up slightly and he quickly looks away.

How did he let himself fall so hard and fast?


Once he got home from school his parents once again raced out of the door. "I'm so sorry honey, me and your father promised we would do some extra commissions for tomorrow. We'll be back pretty late so don't bother waiting up" his mother says giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before following her husband to the car.

Renjun sighs slightly as he steps into the house. He drops his bag and walks into the living room to see Bo fast asleep once again.
"Wow, I don't remember kindergarten being that exhausting" he laughs softly as he picks his little brother up, watching as he scrunched his face up in his sleep.

Carefully, he carries him up
to his room, pushing the wooden door open with his food.

Bo's bedroom was decorated like a mystical forest. With fake vines and leaves hanging from his ceiling and a green fluffy carpet to resemble grass.

Each wall was covered in intricate paintings of trees, caves and magical lakes, all painted by Renjun and his parents.

He smiles slightly at the memory as he places his brother into his bed and tucks him in.

When Renjun's mother found out she was pregnant with Bo, she decided they should have a fresh start and so they moved to Korea. They got the house and were so excited to start decorating the baby nursery.

Him, his mother and his father spent months painting and decorating the room.
As Bo got older, the little boy refused to have his bedroom redecorated. He loved the whole forest theme far too much to let go.

As Renjun was about to leave the room he spots a pile of paper on his brothers small wooden desk.
He bends down and picks one up.

It was a drawing of a moomin. A drawing that Jeno did.
The brunette smiles to himself before looking back at the sleeping boy. "I'm sure he won't miss one drawing" he whispers as he folds the picture up and leaves the room, carefully closing the door behind him.

He makes his way over to his own room and picks up his journal and a pen before jumping onto his bed.

Entry #48

So I told Jaemin about my crush on Jeno. I'm so glad he wasn't upset, I don't think I would have ever forgiven myself if he was.

Anyway I stole a drawing from Bo's room. One that Jeno did. I honestly have no idea why.

It's strange that a few weeks ago I didn't even want to look at his art in fear of it being better than mine. Yet now, I'm stealing drawing of a moomin from my five year old little brother.

He places the pen down and slides the folded up drawing into his journal.

With a small sigh he placed the book on his nightstand before lying back on the bed.

"Jeno...what have you done to me?"

Art class; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now