Kirstin POV

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"Sweetie, you need to go to rehearsal!"

"Kirstin, can you sign this?"

"I'm such a huge fan!"

"Can we take a picture?"

"Make sure to mention your album..."

I was tired of it. I used to love the fame. I loved the idea of people who you didn't know loving you for being you. But now, I'm not allowed to be me.

I can't sing what I want, wear what I want, or say what I want. In interviews, my management would stand behind the camera, telling me what to say. Whatever would promote me as an artist, or promote my music. I couldn't talk about myself too much, because then people might think I'm self-centered. I couldn't joke around, because people wouldn't find me serious. I was tired of it. I needed to talk to somebody who wasn't either telling me what to do or acting like they're my biggest fan. But they're not, because they don't know who I really am. They just see what other people want them to see.

"Kirstin, honey, get ready. I'm driving you to your vocal lessons." My mom said, not really paying attention to me.

"Mom, I'm seventeen. I can drive myself, it's okay." I told her, trying to help. I knew she didn't have a reason to not drive. She didn't work anymore since I earned all the money for my family through my music.

"No. I'm driving you. You need to be safe." She turned around to face me, a stern look on her face.

I groaned and went into my room. My laptop computer was open to Twitter.

120 new notifications

I didn't want to deal with all of these fans, loving me for the music that wasn't my own, for words that I didn't want to say.

@kirstin has logged out

Now I just needed to create a new account, so I could go on Twitter and do other things. Maybe I could make friends.

Username: taylor_k

Name: Taylor

I didn't know what to use as my last name. It had to start with a "K" to fit my username. I remembered the name of my English teacher.

Name: Taylor Kaplan

Welcome, Taylor Kaplan! Now just add your interests.

I hadn't thought about this. I knew one thing.

Singing, Music

My husky, Olaf, walked into my room. There was another.

Dogs, Animals

I then realized I didn't have many interests. I was either a boring person or too busy too have interests. Maybe it was both. I shrugged, clicking the done button.

"Kirstin, we're gonna be late!" I heard my mom calling me.

I jumped off my bed, landing softly on my wood floors. I ran to the door before leaving, walking into the sea of paparazzi outside of my house. It was going to be another long day, wasn't it?


There it is! The first chapter of my first book, published. I have the whole thing written, so it's just a matter of publishing now. I hope people like it, but honestly, for me, it's just fun to write. 

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