Kevin POV

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I had taken Scott's advice and decided to talk to Avi's crush, Taylor. I searched her username and typed in a new message.

Kolusola: Hey Taylor, I'm a friend of Avi, Scott, and Mitch's. I actually don't know if you've talked to Mitch yet, but you should soon I guess. My name's Kevin.

I expected to not get a response for a while, but it was a few seconds later that I saw her message.

Taylor_k: Nice to meet you. I have talked to Mitch, he's really nice. He likes Scott.

Kolusola: Really?! That's great, because Scott told me he likes Mitch

Taylor_k: YES i ship it.

Kolusola: Same!

Taylor_k: That's a good thing we have in common.

Kolusola: Yes. Tell me more about yourself, taylor.

Taylor_k: Well, I love to sing.

Kolusola: I love music, especially playing cello and beatboxing. I call it celloboxing.

Taylor_k: That soooo cool. I've always wanted to meet a beatboxer.

I was really happy that she liked the idea of beatboxing. A lot of people think it's really random that I do that.

Kolusola: Thanks. Who's your favorite musical artist?

Taylor_k: I don't know.. Maybe Sara Bareilles or Kelly Clarkson.

Kolusola: Those are pretty good choices. I'd have to say Kirstin. She's such a good singer.

Taylor_k: Um yeah, she's pretty cool.

Kolusola: Pretty cool? She's so amazing, and pretty. I totally have a celebrity crush lol

Taylor_k: Haha yeah

Kolusola: You have any celeb crushes?

Taylor_k: I mean maybe Ryan Gosling. But your crush is actually our age lol

Kolusola: Yeah, I'd love to meet her.

Taylor_k: Avi says that I sing like her lol

Kolusola: He's heard you sing?

Taylor_k: oh, yeah we called a while ago.

I thought it was really cute that he called her. I knew it was silly, but I imagined me being with Kirstin, and Avi being with Taylor. We would be a great double couple. And maybe a triple couple with Scott and Mitch! It was perfect, but Kirstin was a celebrity. Too bad.

Kolusola: You two would be cute together.

Taylor_k: Really?

Kolusola: Yeah, and I'd be with Kirstin lol. Then Scott and Mitch could be together and we would be the greatest group of six ever.

Taylor_k: lol

Kolusola: I have to go, Taylor. Scott is texting me.

I went to Scott's text, and talked to him about how Kirstin was nice. I was excited that the five of us could be friends.

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