Scott POV

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Everything was great online. I had a boyfriend, best friends, and an upcoming concert with them to one of my favorite artists, who happened to be one of the friends.

Offline was different. The next day after we talked about the concert and everything, I went to school. Everybody was acting weird around me. I didn't know why.
"Mark, Mason, what's happening?" I asked the boys at my table.
"There have been more accusations from Alex. He says you tried to kiss him again." Mark replied, looking down at his pencil, fiddling with it.
Mason patted me on the shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Scott," he apologized, "I've tried to stop them, But they just don't stop."
I smiled at him distantly, "It's okay, at least you tried, thank you." I comforted.

The rest of the day was a blur. I got more assignments from teachers, and my two friends tried to stick with me, comforting me the whole day. I loved them a lot, but I couldn't wait to go online and talk to Mitch and the rest of our fivesome.

Beyoncehoying: Hey guys can we do a group Skype? I need to talk with you all.

Kolusola: Of course dude, anything wrong?

Beyoncehoying: There is, but can we just talk on Skype though?

Kolusola: Okay

Taylor_k: Sure

Mitchgrassi: Yup <3

BassCannonKaplan: Sure, sounds good.

I called them, and s**n enough Kirstin's face showed up first on my screen.

"Hi Kirstin!" I greeted. "Hey Scooter."

"I'm so sorry if this is rude or weird, but it's so cool to hear a celebrity greet me." I said, expecting to hear an angry Kirstin on the other side. Instead, I heard a giggle.
"That's fine," she responded with a smile, "I still find it weird being a celebrity."
"Hi AHHH K-kirstin hi," I heard Kevin's squeal, "Sorry, I'll get it together. Ah-hm. Hello Kirstie." She laughed.
"Hi Kevin. You're so cute." She snickered.
"Don't forget you have a boyfriend, America!" Avi's deep voice came through my speakers, and I was startled.
"I know." She confirmed, and blew a kiss directed at Avi. He pretended to catch it. They were so cute.
"Seeing the cute couple over here reminds me, where's my girl?" I asked. They all shrugged. "Mitch!" I pretended to shout.
"Hey honey, sorry I was late my computer froze. What's wrong?" Mitch's face showed up.
"I'll tell you, but first can I just say how amazing it is to see your faces and hear your voices with them?" I admitted.
"I completely agree," Avi responded, "It's amazing."
They all nodded in agreement with Avi and I.

"Okay, so here we go. Some of you already know this story, but it's gotten worse." I started, "A few months ago, I came out to my best friend, Alex. He seemed a little unsettled, but wasn't being mean. The next day, I learned that he had spread rumors that I had tried to kiss him, and that wasn't true. People started avoiding me, and I lost all of my friends but two, Mark and Mason. Just today, Mark and Mason told me that he had spread more rumors. Everybody was completely ignoring me except for them. Even some teachers were making jokes in class."

It was silent for a few seconds before Kirstin spoke. "Oh, Scoot! That's so horrible. I'm sorry."
Avi joined in, "Scott, we're always here for you if you need us." "Yeah dude, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything," Kevin offered, "We'll help you."

"Babe, I wish you would've told me this earlier. I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. If you ever need to just rant to each other about how horrible these situations are, tell me." Mitch comforted.

"Thank you all so much."

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