Mitch POV

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Scott was great and all, but when I got the message from the Kaplan boy, it felt safer to tell him more about myself. I felt like Scott was less of a friend and more of a....crush? Oh no! I decided to not think about him too much and just talk with Kaplan boy for a bit.

BassCannonKaplan: Lol, you're funny. I sing bass. I'm kinda indifferent to cannons themselves. My first name's Avi.

Was I funny? That was something I didn't hear often. I couldn't help but smile when he said he sang bass.

Mitchgrassi: Lol. I sing too! How old are you, Avi Kaplan?

I didn't tell Scott that I sang, I was more self-conscious of him hearing me sing than Avi. I also felt like Avi wouldn't ask me to show him my singing. I wanted to know how old he was so I wasn't talking to a thirty-year-old or an eight-year-old.

BassCannonKaplan: Cool :) I'm 18, Mitch Grassi.

I could tell he was older than me, but I had no idea he was a senior. That kind of freaked me out. I laughed when he used my full name like I did in the previous message.

Mitchgrassi: I'm 16.

BassCannonKaplan: Nice. Tell me something about yourself, a fun fact. I wanna get to know u better.

That nice seemed half-hearted. He probably thinks I'm some immature baby or something. Maybe I should've lied about my age.

Mitchgrassi: Um, today was probably the worst day ever. I got bullied a ton :(

I decided to tell him. I knew he wasn't the type of person to judge somebody. I hoped he wasn't homophobic.

BassCannonKaplan: Why?! You're so cool.

He was sweet. It was easier talking to him than Scott because I was pretty sure he was straight, and I didn't have a crush on him. Did I have a crush on Scott? Oh god.

Mitchgrassi: Well, I came out as gay to everyone, and I guess that was a bad idea to do in a huge high school in Texas. Especially since I'm smaller and younger looking than even some freshman. :'(

Even some of the freshman joined in bullying me, even though I was older than them.

BassCannonKaplan: I'm so sorry! It's horrible people can act like that to somebody who is just telling the truth :(

He was so sweet. And not homophobic, that was definitely a plus.

Mitchgrassi: Thanks, Avi. It's nice knowing I have at least a couple friends on here.

BassCannonKaplan: Another friend?! I am not surprised (as you are cool and funny) but have you been friend cheating on me?! *dramatic gasp*

He was hilarious. I nearly laughed out loud, imagining somebody who sang bass gasping dramatically. I didn't know why it was so funny.

Mitchgrassi: Honestly, it's more like I'm cheating on him with you lol I've known him longer haha

And from there we continued talking. He had to go, so I decided to browse for more people. I liked this whole friend making thing. I found somebody that related through Scott and music, two of my favorite things.


Kevin Olusola

Mitchgrassi: Hey kevin. I don't know you, but you're friends with my friend Scott apparently and you like music so I thought I'd talk with you.

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