Scott POV

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Avi and I were waiting patiently when Kevin came up to us. To this day, I don't remember what had happened because of what happened directly after. It was happy until we all got a buzz on our phones. Somebody had texted on the "Boys with Mitch" group chat.

Mitchgrassi: Hello, this is Gavin Atack.(A/N my brothers name I couldn't think of one lol back to the story) I'm a police officer. Your friend Mitch Grassi and his father were in a car accident. From what we can tell on the phone, he was headed to meet with you all. Mitch's father has passed away, and it appears that Mitch may be next. Please come to the Dallas Children's Hospital as soon as possible. Thanks, Officer Atack.

Kevin had finished reading the message first, and gasped. He seemed to stop breathing. Avi finished next, and he dropped his phone, which was quickly picked up by Esther, who started to read the message. Kevin and Avi were both in tears when I finished reading the message. I sunk down to the ground and began to sob. I was about to meet my boyfriend for the first time, but now he was in the hospital. His dad died, and... I couldn't imagine what I would do if the same happened to Mitch.

"I have our car. Let's go." Esther quickly said, dragging Avi and Kevin. I got up, and followed, still sobbing. We got into their car, and immediately went to my phone.

Beyoncehoying: Hello Officer Atack. We are on our way. If he's awake, tell him that we're on our way. Tell him that I (Scott) love him so much.

Mitchgrassi: He is awake, and I have told him. He has said that he'll wait to go until you get here.

Wait to go? I refused to believe that was even a possibility.

"Scott, I'm so sorry. Mitch is going to be okay." Kevin patted me on the shoulder.
I didn't even realize that I was sobbing, gasping for air. I didn't want him to go.

Beyoncehoying: Tell him to not go at all.

Mitchgrassi: I did, but he didn't not respond. Don't worry, he's breathing.

Mitchgrassi: Oh no

Mitchgrassi: Scott, I'm so sorry.

"No!" I screamed into the air, startling my friends.
"What is it Scott?" Avi asked kindly.
"Read the message." I replied between sobs.

Avi gasped, and immediately joined me in my sobs. Kevin then joined in after reading what had been sent.

Mitch, the young, handsome, funny, cute, happy, strong, amazing, talented human that I loved was gone. I wanted to say goodbye to the young singer who never had the chance to share his talent with the world, and the boy who never got to meet his first love in person, and the son who had just lost his father and never got to say goodbye to his mom, and the bullied student who never got an apology. He simply left.

I changed my mind and posted, I could hold back. It was annoying me, lol and I know what happens. Also SORRY BOUT MITCH

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