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I was still amazed; I mean I had just met my girlfriend in person. But luckily, Kevin brought all of us back to reality.

"So what, um, should we do now?" He asked us. Scott shrugged, his arm still around Mitch, comforting him. I shrugged too, and turned towards Kirstin.
She thought for a few moments, before an idea visibly lit up her face.

"How long are all of you free?" She questioned, a mischievous grin across her face.

So it was decided. We would all be going on tour with her. We would all have minor jobs, except for me. Kirstin talked her mom into just letting me come as her boyfriend. Kevin was going to help set up the VIP area and work on stage crew, and Scott and Mitch would work on the playlist that plays before every show.
We would all go on the tour bus with Kirstin, and we were lucky because there were four extra bunks.

One night, the five of us just gathered around, the bus driving on a raining freeway in the middle of nowhere.
We were just sitting, silently, looking at each other.

"I can't believe we're all together," Mitch broke the silence, "This is amazing."
We all nodded in agreement with him.
"What was the group name again, Scott? Pentatonix?" Kirstin asked. Scott nodded.

"Pentatonix, all together." She remarked, and we all smiled.

The next day, Kirstin had another show. We prepared easily. About ten minutes before the show, I gathered up Scott and Mitch (Kevin was busy), and we walked to Kirstin's dressing room.

"Come in!" She said after we knocked.
Scott opened the door, and Kirstin smiled at us. "Hey!" She greeted us, giving us each a hug as we came in.
"Girl, I love your heels! Who are they?" Mitch asked, grinning.
Kirstin looked down. "To be honest, I'm not really sure."
"Are you scared?" Scott asked.
"Kinda; but the fear always goes away once I get onstage." She admitted.
We all nodded. We were all performers, and knew exactly what she meant.
"Well, if you do ever end up scared onstage, just look right offstage where your boyfriend and best friends will be waiting, cheering you on." I smiled at her. She grinned at me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." She whispered.
She moved away from me. "Anyways, you guys should better get going."

We all got up and left, taking our places backstage. The beginning notes of "Telephone" started playing from the playlist that Scott and Mitch had created. I grinned at them.
"I love this song."

I'm so sorry that I forgot to update! I keep promising to be consistent, and it never works. So I'm not going to promise anything, but I will try my best. Thank you all for reading and voting on it. It means so much to me!

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