Mitch POV

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While I was happy from creating friends that night, and making those friends be friends, I couldn't take my mind off of what happened at school. Those kids had been absolute bastards. They were pushing me, calling me names, laughing. No matter how great these kids on the internet were, the kids at school would haunt me forever.

I fell asleep crying that night.

When I woke up in the morning, I had no notifications. I hoped they weren't all on a group chat or something without me. I decided to lay in bed for a bit longer.

1 new message

Taylor_k: Hey, I'm a friend of Scott's and Avi's. I apparently reminded Avi of Scott, and so Scott texted me. Scott said that I reminded him of you, so here I am now. I'm Taylor.

I was kinda happy a girl texted me, which was a weird occasion. I didn't have to deal with the stress of talking to a boy, especially Scott.

Mitchgrassi: Nice to meet you Taylor, I'm Mitch. I'm really happy that you're a girl.

I didn't realize how weird that sounded until I sent it. And that was the first message I ever sent to her. She could've just thought I was weird and stopped talking to me.

Taylor_k: Um, why?

Mitchgrassi: Because talking to boys is stressful, especially talking to ones I like.

Taylor_k: Do you like Scott or Avi?

Mitchgrassi: Yeah, I like Scott.

I can't believe I said that. I had typed it without thinking. I hadn't even admitted to myself that I liked Scott. I guess I did though, whenever we texted, I could feel my heart beating faster, and I was constantly worrying that I would say the wrong thing.

Taylor_k: Cool, I understand why. He's funny, and hot.

Hell yeah! Not only was she 100% correct about Scott, she was fine with my gayness. Thank goodness.

Mitchgrassi: Yes, definitely. Do you like Avi

Taylor_k: Um maybe as a friend for now.

I felt like she wasn't telling me something, and not about Avi. I really hoped she didn't like Scott, not for my sake, but hers. Once she finds out that he's gay, her heart would be broken.

Mitchgrassi: Do you like scott

Taylor_k: I mean he's hot

I gulped. I hoped she wouldn't be sad when I told her.

Mitchgrassi: Do you know he's gay?

Taylor_k: I didn't know

Mitchgrassi: are you heartbroken? Is your love life ruined? Is it my fault?

Taylor_k: not really, now I just ship you and him even more.

Mitchgrassi: Wow, great lol don't tease me.

Taylor_k: I totally will. What do u like to do, Mitchell

Mitchgrassi: Um, I like to sing, Taylor.

Taylor_k: Me too! I love singing.

Mitchgrassi: Are you good at singing

Taylor_k: I can't answer that

Mitchgrassi: Then I'll have to ask somebody else, gtg

Taylor_k: okay sure. Bye Mitch

I decided to ask Scott, because I was kind of scared of Avi, and I felt more comfortable around him.

Mitchgrassi: Hey scooter, do you know if Taylor Kaplan is a good singer?

Beyoncehoying: No, I've never heard her.

Beyoncehoying: Omg wait are u guys friends now?

Mitchgrassi: Yes

Beyoncehoying: Yayayay now we're all friends

Mitchgrassi: Does she know Kevin

Beyoncehoying: Well I told kevin to talk to her so we could all be friends.

Mitchgrassi: Okay, thanks :)

Beyoncehoying: No problem honey <3

And then I freaked out. He called me honey, with a little heart! I decided to see how far this could go.

Mitchgrassi: Do you know if anybody else knows about her singing, darling? <3 <3

Beyoncehoying: I think Avi called her once, sweetie pie <3 <3

Yes, my plan worked.

Mitchgrassi: Thanks for telling me, Scoots

Beyoncehoying: Oh, I forgot! I told her that you two should talk because she asked if she could call me Scooter too

Mitchgrassi: that's so funny! Anyways, i don't really feel like texting avi, do you know if he liked her singing

Beyoncehoying: he told me it was breathtaking

Mitchgrassi: cool, bye <3

Beyoncehoying: Goodbye, my love <3 <3 <3

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