Kirstin POV

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I had fallen asleep after talking on the phone with Avi. When I woke up the next morning, I decided what I was going to do. When my mom came into my room to tell me what was happening that day, I interrupted her.

"Hey, mom, I don't feel so good. Can I possibly just stay home and not go to the meeting?" I asked, expecting to hear either scolding or a laugh. Instead, I heard her sigh. "Okay, Kirstin," she said, seemingly unwillingly, "You can stay home and I'll go instead." I got up and hugged her. "Thank you so much, mom." I thanked. "Of course."

I had decided to stay home because I couldn't deal with more paparazzi, or meetings, or interviews. Even days that I had my mom homeschooling me, I was constantly bombarded with calls and managers, I couldn't even focus on school. I was a good student, too. I enjoyed learning and going to school before my mom signed me with a record label at the age of ten. From then on, I did not have the childhood most kids would, and I had already spent seven years in the entertainment industry.

I looked at my computer and saw a new notification.

1 new message

I was confused, before remembering my fake account.

Beyoncehoying: Hey, I'm a friend of Avi's. I called him last night, and he said that we were similar so I decided to talk to you.

I smiled. I really hoped this guy was nice because that meant Avi would have thought I was nice.

Taylor_k: Nice to meet you. My name's Taylor Kaplan.

Beyoncehoying: Omg Kaplan? It's like you two are already married!

Already? What had Avi told him?

Taylor_k: Yeah, it's a weird coincidence. We're not related. What's your name?

Beyoncehoying: Oh, I thought I had already told you, sorry. My name's Scott.

I heard that name and immediately thought of my favorite custard place, Scooter's.

Taylor_k: Can I call you Scooter?

Beyoncehoying: That's really funny, my internet best friend calls me Scooter.

Taylor_k: Maybe i'm more similar to them than you lol or maybe we're all alike.

Beyoncehoying: He and I are pretty similar

Taylor_k: You know Scooter, you seem really nice. We should def be friends

Beyoncehoying: I don't mind that idea, Tay

Taylor_k: Is that my nickname?

Beyoncehoying: What?

Taylor_k: Tay

Beyoncehoying: I guess it can be, but i just mistyped

Taylor_k: lmao that's so funny

Beyoncehoying: I agree. You're great tay

I knew that even though he used a different name, I was myself on this account, and he appreciated me for me. I thought that was an amazing feeling.

Taylor_k: thanks scooter

Taylor_k: What's your friend's name?

Beyoncehoying: Mitch Grassi. His username is mitchgrassi

Taylor_k: cool, i'll message him later.

Beyoncehoying: You can message him now, bc i'm leaving, my parents are calling me

Taylor_k: okay, bye scooter!

Beyoncehoying: bye tay!

Scott was so nice and funny. I looked at his profile, and from a few pictures, I realized how hot he was. I was excited to meet the boy that was similar to him.

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