Kevin POV

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Kolusola: Bye, Scott!

I had just spent time talking to my new friend, Scott. He seemed really nice, and he thought I was cool! He had to leave, so I scrolled through Twitter for a bit.

1 new message

I knew it wasn't Scott, because he had just left our conversation. It was from somebody else.

Mitchgrassi: Hey kevin. I don't know you, but you're friends with my friend Scott apparently and you like music so I thought I'd talk with you.

I was happy at first. Any friend of Scott's can be a friend of mine, especially if they love music. Then I realized. Scott had talked about how one of his friends was mean to him and spread rumors. I hoped this wasn't the friend.

Kolusola: Hey Mitch. I don't know you either lol. Do you know Scott from school?

Mitchgrassi: No, I know him from the internet. I know he's a year above me in school. How old r u?

I was relieved that this boy wasn't the one that was mean to Scott.

Kolusola: I'm 18. How about you?

I realized I didn't know how old Scott was. I had just kind of assumed that he was about my age.

Mitchgrassi: I'm 16. You know, it's really weird. I just talked to somebody on here that was 18. You two should be friends.

So Mitch was 16. That then meant that Scott was about 17. I wondered if the person that Mitch talked to was a boy or girl.

Kolusola: Cool! What's their name?

Mitchgrassi: Avi Kaplan. He's pretty cute.

Mitchgrassi: Wait, are you straight?

Kolusola: Yes

Mitchgrassi: He is too.

Kolusola: um, cool.

I didn't really see how it mattered.

Kolusola: R u straight?

Mitchgrassi: lol no

Kolusola: cool :)

Mitchgrassi: Stop flirting ;)

I wasn't flirting.

Mitchgrassi: jk

Thank god.

Kolusola: lol

Mitchgrassi: i gtg bye Kevin.

Kolusola: bye mith

Kolusola: *Mitch

Mitchgrassi: lol my new name is mith

I really enjoyed talking to Mith, and I thought it was fun to get to know new people. I hoped that the kid he was talking about would be nice. 

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