Scott POV

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I woke up the next morning, feeling extremely refreshed. I knew that Avi wouldn't screw it up, I knew him. Both Taylor and I would have a new boyfriend. I was so happy that Mitch and I were together.

I looked at the computer and saw one notification. Kevin tagged my boyfriend and me in a comment on Kirstin Maldonado's post. It was probably just some comment about like couples or something and he was like 'this is scomiche lol'.

I was wrong.


Hey @BassCannonKaplan my middle name is Taylor, not liar.

I knew her middle name was Taylor.

I didn't know that she knew Avi.

Why did she tell Avi that?

Taylor. The name of one of Pentatonix, us five. Was that her all along? Taylor_k. Taylor, Kirstin's middle name. K, her first initial. She probably came up with the last name Kaplan randomly, and then Avi came across her.

I was so confused. What had Avi done to her? I was clueless. I needed to find out.

As I went to my messages, I saw that I already had one, but I ignored it and pulled up the Boys group chat.

Beyoncehoying: Hey, I'm asking here so Kevin can know too. Avi, what happened with Kirstin Taylor?

Kolusola: Hey, I'm here too. And I'm curious, and jealous that you seem to know Kirstin.

I wondered why Kevin was so clueless. He knew Kirstin too, and she was Taylor.

BassCannonKaplan: Can we all Skype? I need to talk, and it's easier to just talk in person. I also want to see your faces.

Beyoncehoying: Okay, of course.

Kolusola: yeah sure

We got onto Skype and found each other. We got onto a group Skype, and I saw Kevin's face show up first.

"Hey Scott!" He said excitedly, grinning. I smiled back at him.

"Hi, Kevin!," I greeted, "You look good."

"Are you kidding?" He asked, "You look flawless, and it's morning."

"Thanks, but I have a boyfriend." I teased.

He smiled, but seemed distant about it.

"Where's Avi?" he asked impatiently.

"I have no clue," I told him honestly, "I hope he picks up."

And with that, Avi's face showed up on my screen.

"Avi!" I said, smiling.

"Hey Scott, hey Kevin." He said. He smiled, but his eyes were red. He seemed like he had been crying.

"Are you okay, bro," Kevin furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, "You look like you've been crying."

Avi looked down and smiled softly. "I have been." He confirmed.

"Are you okay, though?" I asked.

"I'm fine now." He responded.

"Can you tell us what happened then?" Kevin inquired hopefully, a gleam in his eye. I could tell that he wanted to hear about his best friend and his celebrity crush/friend. I still couldn't believe they were the same person.

"Yeah sure," Avi agreed, "Here we go. So, I asked her if I could call her. She said yes, so I called her. She said that before I started, that she wanted to say something. She told me issues with her, and I told her that it didn't matter because she was perfect. She then said that she had something else to tell me, and I told her that I would like her no matter what. She then told me who she was." He finished, looking down and fiddling his thumbs the whole time. I made eye contact with Kevin, and I could tell he wanted to ask what happened next, but he was nervous, so I spoke up.

"And then what?" I asked.

"I didn't believe her. I told her she was just trying to get attention, and that her middle name was liar."

That explained her tweet.

"Oh," Kevin said, "So that happened, and how do you feel now? Do you like Tayl-" He stopped before continuing, "Do you like... her still?"

I could tell that Kevin was sad. He spoke slowly, with a wavering tone. He looked directly at me, and not Avi. I noticed he was was probably jealous, but felt bad.

Avi nodded. "I still like her. She'll always be Taylor to me."

Kevin bit his lip, and there was silence for a few moments. "I-I have to go." Kevin whispered.

And he hung up.


I'm so sorry that I haven't published any chapters in a while! To apologize, I'll post as many as I can today. This is going to be the first chapter in a flood of chapters. Get ready! Thanks to everyone who has voted for this story, by the way. It means a lot.

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