Mitch POV

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I overheard Tori's call, and was extremely excited. I had been injured, but I got stitches and the black eye would heal easily- it was minor. I sat, grinning like a maniac when Tori came in.
"They're here, Mitch!" She exclaimed excitedly. We only knew each other for like five hours (She had left the hospital at night) but we were already like best friends. I was younger than her by four years, but it was like we were the same age. I was grateful for her company.
"Well then bring 'em on in!" I replied, ecstatic.
First Kevin walked in. He grinned at me.
"Mitch!" He exclaimed. "I'm so glad you're okay. You're like my little brother, you know that, right?" I smiled.
"Thank you Kevin; that means a lot." I thanked, my words an understatement.
Next, Avi (and Esther) jogged in. Esther was prettier than I had imagined.
"Avi!!" I shouted.
He ran to me, and tightly hugged me.
"I love you guys so much. I'm so happy you're here." I admitted to Avi.
"I'm glad too; and I love you guys a ton too. But there's one more guys you gotta meet." He grinned, and stepped aside as Scott ran in.
I saw how he must've been tired, maybe he didn't sleep. I hoped he was okay.
"Scott!!" I shouted before stepping out of the hospital bed. He stopped in front of me, and we just looked at each other for a few moments; until I took a step towards him and kissed him.
We kissed for a few more moments, ignoring our friends surrounding us. He pulled away.
"Mitch, I'm so happy you're okay."
"Me too." I giggled.

V v sorry for the lack of chapters, my parents took all my electronics away so I couldn't work on it 😭 I promise more chapters soon.
-Mallory 💡

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