Kevin POV

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"I can't believe we're about to meet her," I excitedly told Esther and Scott, "like, I'm excited to meet my internet friend, but she's also my idol." They both nodded.
"Gosh, what should we say? I feel like I won't be able to talk!" Scott said.
We chatted a bit more before Scott went over to Mitch and Avi.
"Esther, do you wanna go out sometime?" I worked up the confidence to ask.
She blushed. "I'd love to, Kevin."
We added each other's numbers to our phones, and followed each other on all social media.

@estkap followed you back.

Eventually we all formed back into one group and talked again. We chatted in line for about 45 minutes before we reached the end of the line.

"Esther, you go first. We can trick her." Mitch suggested.
"Okay." Esther agreed, and walked up to Kirstin. We all walked slowly behind her, and waited a bit before I walked around her to Esther.

"Hi, what's your-," She began to ask before seeing me, "Kevin!" She yelled before hugging me tightly.
"You're really here! In person!" She exclaimed, grinning hugely.
"Hi, Kirstie!" I greeted, laughing.
"Ah, you're such a liar! Why didn't you tell me?!" She playfully punched me in the arm, her smile stretching ear to ear.
"I'm not the only liar!" I exclaimed, before Scott came out of hiding.

"Scott!" She screamed again, and quickly ran to him. He laughed and picked her up in their hug.
"You're here too?! Surprising me?!" She exclaimed, obviously on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry that we lied, but it was worth it to see the look on your face!" He admitted, grabbing her face. They both laughed.

Mitch went around their hug, and hugged Kirstie from behind.
She yelped, before turning around to see Mitch.
"Mitchie!" She yelled.
"Tay!!" He yelled back.
She hugged him tightly, definitely crying a bit now.
"I can't believe you guys." She admitted. I laughed.
She turned to look at the three of us.
"Wow, it's amazing seeing all of you in person!" She exclaimed.
We all laughed, before parting to show Avi.
She gasped, and covered her mouth. She started to actually sob, happily, of course.
He walked to her, as she was paralyzed with happiness. He wrapped his arms around her, and let her cry into his chest. They were adorable. She looked up at him, and gave him a kiss.
Scott looked at me, wondering what I was thinking. I looked at him, and nodded.
I was okay. I didn't feel left out any more. He smiled.

We all gathered around in a huge group hug, and Esther snapped a quick picture.

We all gathered around in a huge group hug, and Esther snapped a quick picture

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"I love you guys." Kirstin whispered to us while we all surrounded her.

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