Scott POV

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"This is different from any previous shows, and I know that you will all love it," Kirstin exclaimed excitedly into the microphone. The audience's cheers were deafening, but they made my heart soar. They had no idea that in a few moments, four more high-school age kids would be joining Kirstin on stage to sing an a cappella arrangement of "Telephone." It was terrifying, but completely exhilarating. I couldn't wait to go onstage.
"So, will Scott, Kevin, Mitch, and Avi please join me onstage?!" She yelled. We ran out and hugged her. The crowd cheered, despite having absolutely no clue who we were.
"Please, introduce yourselves!" She exclaimed, motioning to the adoring crowd.
"Hey guys! I'm Kevin." Kevin waved. Tons of specifically feminine voices screamed. "Hi! I'm Avi." Avi's deep voice boomed through the speakers, and everyone cheered and clapped.
"I'm Scott!!" I exclaimed, excited. They all clapped.
For me.
The feeling of appreciation was not something I was used to. If only the kids from school could see me now; they'd be ashamed.
We all looked at Mitch. He was standing, terrified. I could tell he was scared, but a part of him was telling him to go for it.
"You can do this, Mitch," I whispered, away from the microphone, "I love you."
He looked at me, and took a deep breath.
"Hello, everybody! I'm Mitch." He introduced, his voice a little bit shaky.
The cheers for him seemed to ease his fears. He knew that these people were cheering- for him. It eased away the fear in his eyes.
"Thank you." He mouthed at me. I grinned.
"Okay thanks guys! So these are my best friends, and we're just gonna sing for you!" Kirstin exclaimed.
I began the song, and the crowd cheered after each person joined. I could tell that the cheers were filling our blood, and giving us the strength to perform. It was amazing.

After the show, we were all talking and stuff in Kirstin's dressing room.
He mom walked in.
"Hi Kirstin; everybody." We all have a small wave.
"Is it time for VIP?" Kirstin asked, starting to get up.
"Wait. I just wanted to talk about that performance you all put together."
We all looked at each other in fear. Was she going to be angry? Did she hate it? Did she hate us?
"It was... amazing," She gushed, surprising us all. "I can't believe how happy you were during that song! Happier than when you perform alone, even." Kirstin grinned. "That's because I was happier."
I smiled. I felt the same way.
"Well, I was wondering.. after the tour is over, maybe you could start to work together on an album. Or something like that, it doesn't have to be-" Kirstin cut her mom off.
"I'd love to!" She exclaimed, hugging her mom. Her mom was surprised, but eventually relaxed into the hug.
I imagined what being famous with all my friends would be like. It sounded perfect, almost like heaven.
I looked at Mitch. He was grinning.
I looked at Kevin, who was beaming.
I looked at Avi, who was exclaiming how amazing it would be. I couldn't help but agree.
Kirstin's mom left the room. Eventually, we all quieted down, lost in our own thought and imaginations.
"We have to remember this forever." Avi states. He pulled out his phone, and put it on the ground. He set a timed picture, and we all gathered around, the same excited, happy, grinning faces we had when she suggested working together. The picture was taken. He quickly looked at it and beamed. He sent it to all of us on the "Pentatonix" group chat.



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I grinned. These were my best friends, who loved me no matter what. We were all so, so different; yet not at all. We were practically strangers a few weeks ago, but a hidden celebrity, car crash, and impromptu a cappella arrangement really strengthens a friendship.
"Look at us." Kevin said fondly.
"We are Pentatonix." I stated. 

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